Back in the Rady Children’s hospital garden, Myer is flocked by a a dozen or so Perfect Game All-Americans who are hunting for his autograph. Montverde (Fla.) Academy shortstop Nander De Sedas pushes something his way.

“Last one,” De Sedas says, “and then that’s it.”

“Last one,” Myer replies. He’s ready to get back to playing.

After he’s done with autographs, the players challenge Myer to see who can make a paper airplane that flies the farthest. De Sedas is confident in his model.

“Can you beat this one?” Kellenic says, pointing to De Sedas’ plane.

“Probably,” Myer says immediately.

De Sedas’ plane flies far and true, but Myer has specifically designed his to do tricks, and when he lets it loose the white paper plane goes around in circles and does flips, above the heads of Myer and 6-foot-4 American Heritage (Plantation, Fla.) High infielder Triston Casas alike.

After a few tosses and laughs, Myer speaks up:

“I want to play some more baseball. Where’s the bat?”

Cancer’s not going to stop him.

Myer lines a pitch from Will Banfield back up the middle
