Minor League Transactions

Transactions involving minor league players for the period of June 11-20, 2019. All transactions conveyed by Major League Baseball.

Arizona Diamondbacks
Signed: RHP Patrick McGuff
Signed Draft Picks: 1B Spencer Brickhouse (7), RHP Conor Grammes (5), SS Nick Grande (17), SS Glenallen Hill Jr. (4), LHP Denson Hull (28), RHP Drey Jameson (1S), RHP Brennan Malone (1S), SS Ricky Martinez (18), 3B Carson Maxwell (25), RHP Austin Pope (15), RHP Tyler Poulin (29), LHP Andrew Saalfrank (6), LHP Nick Snyder (11), RHP Jonathan Stroman (22)
Released: C Matt Jones

Atlanta Braves
Signed Draft Picks: 1B Bryce Ball (24), RHP Alec Barger (17), 3B Cody Birdsong (32), RHP Chad Bryant (25), 2B Cade Bunnell (40), C Mitch Calandra (30), OF Willie Carter (34), RHP Ricky DeVito (8), RHP Tanner Gordon (6), SS Vaughn Grissom (11), RHP Jared Johnson (14), C Shea Langeliers (1), RHP Greg Leban (31), 2B Cody Milligan (9), OF Brandon Parker (10), LHP Andy Samuelson (12), LHP Davis Schwab (37), LHP Alex Segal (22), SS Braden Shewmake (1), C Javier Valdes (21), RHP Darius Vines (7), RHP Peyton Williams (20), RHP Justin Yeager (33)
Released: OF Isranel Wilson

Baltimore Orioles
RHP James Ryan (NDFA—St. Katherine’s (Calif.))
Signed Draft Picks:
C Jordan Cannon (10), RHP Jensen Elliott (19), RHP Malachi Emond (18), RHP Garrett Farmer (25), OF Shayne Fontana (23), RHP Connor Gillispie (9), OF Mason Janvrin (14), OF Trevor Kehe (36), OF Craig Lewis (33), RHP Jake Lyons (22), RHP Kyle Martin (15), LHP Dillon McCollough (27), RHP Clayton McGinness (20), RHP Griffin McLarty (8), RHP Morgan McSweeney (17), SS Joey Ortiz (4), RHP Jonathan Pendergast (28), RHP Shelton Perkins (16), OF Johnny Rizer (7), RHP Nick Roth (26), LHP Dalton Stambaugh (30), RHP Kade Strowd (12), 3B Toby Welk (21), C Harris Yett (32)
Released: OF Jake Ring
Added to 40-man: LHP Sean Gilmartin
Removed from 40-man: OF Joey Rickard (Designated for Assignment)

Boston Red Sox
SS Chris Owings
Signed Draft Picks: OF Luke Bandy (29), RHP Brock Bell (7), SS Cameron Cannon (2), 1B Dominic D’Alessandro (22), OF Wil Dalton (8), INF Alex Erro (17), C Jaxx Groshans (5), C Jacob Herbert (18), OF Dean Miller (24), OF Leon Paulino (23), RHP Devon Roedahl (27), RHP Dylan Spacke (21), LHP Brandon Walter (26), RHP Ryan Zeferjahn (3)
Released: OF Edgar Corcino, RHP Carson Smith

Chicago Cubs
Signed: RHP Matteo Bocchi (NDFA—Texas), RHP Craig Kimbrel
Signed Draft Picks: RHP Josh Burgmann (5), INF Grayson Byrd (24), RHP Chris Clarke (4), LHP D.J. Herz (8), OF Darius Hill (20), RHP Tanner Dalton (17), RHP Chris Kachmar (28), LHP Bryan King (30), OF Nelson Maldonado (21), RHP Alex Moore (18), INF Jacob Olson (26), OF Zac Taylor (25), RHP Cayne Ueckert (27), C Bryce Windham (32)
Released: LHP Brian Duensing

Chicago White Sox
RHP Allan Beer (NDFA—Bradley), RHP Vladimir Nunez (NDFA—Stetson), OF Jacob Scavuzzo
Signed Draft Picks:
OF Jonathan Allen (32), LHP Garvin Alston (37), 2B Tom Archer (39), OF James Beard (4), RHP Cooper Bradford (13), RHP Jeremiah Burke (17), RHP Declan Cronin (36), RHP Justin Friedman (26), 3B Damon Gladney (16), C Jakob Goldfarb (24), OF Misael Gonzalez Acosta (12), C Ivan Gonzalez (8), LHP Trey Jeans (33), RHP Tyson Messer (9), LHP Dan Metzdorf (5), C Daniel Millwee (30), RHP Pauly Milto (23), RHP McKinley Moore (14), 1B Tyler Osick (27), RHP Karan Patel (7), RHP Nate Pawelczyk (10), LHP Sammy Peralta (18), RHP Connor Reich (31), SS Joshua Rivera (19), RHP Kaleb Roper (29), RHP Nick Silva (40), OF Cameron Simmons (20), RHP Chase Solesky (21), C Victor Torres (11), LHP Avery Weems (6)
Added to 40-man: C Zack Collins

Cincinnati Reds
LHP Alec Byrd, RHP Randy Wynne (NDFA—Missouri Baptist)
Signed Draft Picks: RHP Graham Ashcraft (6), OF A.J. Bumpass (39), 2B Tyler Callihan (3), RHP Tanner Cooper (35), OF Quin Cotton (8), OF Ashton Creal (21), RHP Tyler Garbee (19), RHP Matt Gill (27), C Justin Gomez (31), SS Rece Hinds (2), OF T.J. Hopkins (9), 2B Ivan Johnson (4), RHP JC Keys (23), LHP Evan Kravetz (5), OF Matt Lloyd (15), LHP Nick Lodolo (1), OF Wendell Marrero (11), SS Quincy McAfee (26), C Yamil Nieves (25), RHP Jason Parker (16), 3B Yassel Pino (29), RHP Quinten Sefcik (24), RHP Danny Serreino (32), RHP Jake Stevenson (10), 3B Caleb Van Blake (37), C Garrett Wolforth (14), C Eric Yang (7)
Released: INF Hernan Iribarren, LHP Ian Krol, C Jake Turnbull

Cleveland Indians
Signed Draft Picks:
C Mike Amditis (21), RHP Trey Benton (15), OF Will Brennan (8), RHP Serafino Brito (28), SS Jordan Brown (6), SS Christian Cairo (4), RHP Kevin Coulter (33), RHP Xzavion Curry (7), RHP Nic Enright (20), OF Julian Escobedo (17), RHP Daniel Espino (1), LHP Chandler Fidel (23), RHP Jacob Forrester (37), SS Ike Freeman (14), RHP Hunter Gaddis (5), SS Joab Gonzalez (24), RHP Allan Hernandez (12), RHP Jared Janczak (31), RHP Jordan Jones (16), RHP Kevin Kelly (19), LHP Randy Labaut (35), RHP Nick Mikolajchak (11), LHP Andrew Misiaszek (32), RHP Eric Mock (25), 1B Joseph Naranjo (3), RHP Nate Ocker (29), C Austin Pinorini (22), OF Micah Pries (13), SS Yordys Valdes (2), RHP Matt Waldron (18), RHP Alec Wisely (34)
Released: C Brandon Benavente, LHP Matt Whitehouse

Colorado Rockies
Signed Draft Picks: RHP Alex Achtermann (30), OF Joe Aeilts (14), LHP Zak Baayoun (17), RHP Blair Calvo (23), RHP Luke Chevalier (26), 2B Isaac Collins (9), C Daniel Cope (13), OF Brenton Doyle (4), RHP Cameron Enck (27), RHP Alex Haynes (15), RHP Gavin Hollowell (6), RHP Jared Horn (7), RHP Stephen Jones (21), RHP Mike Ruff (11), 3B Aaron Schunk (2), RHP Jordan Spicer (24), RHP Jacob Wallace (3), OF Jack Yalowitz (10)
Released: 1B Daniel Jipping
Removed from 40-man: LHP Chris Rusin (outrighted to Triple-A)

Detroit Tigers
RHP Fernando Calderon
Signed Draft Picks: RHP Michael Bienlien (24), RHP Beau Brieske (27), OF Kerry Carpenter (19), OF Elliott Cary (29), LHP Josh Coburn (25), RHP Jack Dellinger (32), 1B Griffin Dey (23), C Cordell Dunn Jr. (30), 1B Jake Holton (10), LHP Kolton Ingram (37), C Cooper Johnson (6), SS Corey Joyce (12), RHP Sam Kessler (34), LHP Robert Klinchock (35), 3B Andre Lipcius (3), LHP Andrew Magno (15), OF Jared Mang (18), SS Pavin Parks (36), OF Connor Perry (28), OF Kona Quiggle (16), 3B Nick Quintana (2), RHP Bryce Tassin (31), LHP Matt Walker (13), RHP Brendan White (26)
Added to 40-man: C Bobby Wilson

Houston Astros
Signed Draft Picks: 2B Bryan Arias (28), OF Colin Barber (4), OF Matthew Barefoot (6), RHP Peyton Battenfield (9), 1B Zach Biermann (23), RHP Hunter Brown (5), RHP Chandler Casey (26), RHP Daniel Cody (17), LHP Kevin Dickey (27), LHP Whit Drennan (29), RHP Garrett Gayle (12), OF Luis Guerrero (8), RHP Blair Henley (7), RHP Kevin Holcomb (13), RHP Michael Horrell (30), 2B Dexter Jordan (16), SS Grae Kessinger (2), C Tyler Krabbe (19), SS AJ Lee (34), C Korey Lee (1), RHP Cole McDonald (15), RHP Alex Palmer (20), OF Preston Pavlica (24), OF E.P. Reese (25), C C.J. Stubbs (10), RHP Derek West (14)

Kansas City Royals
 RHP Brad Bonnenfant (NDFA—Nevada), 2B Jack Gethings (NDFA—Fairfield)
Signed Draft Picks: RHP Grant Gambrell (3), LHP Justin Hooper (14), RHP Adam Lukas (12), SS Brady McConnell (2), LHP Zack Phillips (27)
Released: RHP Drew Storen
Added to 40-man: SS Humberto Arteaga
Removed from 40-man: RHP Ben Lively (Designated for Assignment)

Los Angeles Angels
 LHP John Cain (NDFA—Manhattan), RHP Ryan Randel (NDFA—Houston), RHP James Varela (NDFA—Long Island-Post (N.Y.))
Signed Draft Picks: RHP Andrew Bash (30), RHP Andrew Blake (21), RHP Kyle Brnovich (8), RHP Ridge Chapman (34), RHP Dakota Donovan (16), RHP Shane Kelso (24), LHP Brent Killam (11), RHP Zac Kristofak (14), C Justin Kunz (33), LHP Garrett Lawson (19), RHP Zach Linginfelter (9), SS Morgan McCullough (22), C Anthony Mulrine (25), SS Kyren Paris (2), LHP Ryan Smith (18), RHP Greg Veliz (15), SS Keaton Weisz (36), SS Will Wilson (1)
Added to 40-man: C Dustin Garneau (outrighted to Triple-A)

Los Angeles Dodgers
Signed: C Chase Barbary (NDFA—Newberry), LHP Gabe Benavides (NDFA—Grand Canyon), LHP Zac Rosscup
Signed Draft Picks: LHP Jeff Belge (18), LHP Jacob Cantleberry (13), 3B Julio Carrion (33), SS Zac Ching (10), LHP Alec Gamboa (9), 3B Kody Hoese (1), 3B Brandon Lewis (4), LHP Sean Mellen (14), RHP Mark Mixon (26), RHP Aaron Ochsenbein (6), RHP Ryan Pepiot (3), RHP Nick Robertson (7), C Tyler Ryan (38), OF Danny Sinatro (32), SS Jimmy Titus (22), LHP Mitchell Tyranski (12), OF Joe Vranesh (15), OF Ryan Ward (8), OF Justin Washington (35), RHP Cyrillo Watson (23)
Released: LHP Andrew Faulkner

Miami Marlins
Signed Draft Picks:
RHP Evan Brabrand (9), OF Peyton Burdick (3), OF Javeon Cody (15), C Casey Combs (27), 1B Evan Edwards (4), OF Lorenzo Hampton (28), RHP M.D. Johnson (6), OF Troy Johnston (17), RHP Jeff Lindgren (24), LHP Easton Lucas (14), RHP Anthony Maldonado (11), LHP Andrew Nardi (16), OF J.D. Orr (10), 3B Zachary Owings (33), RHP Codie Paiva (22), 3B Nic Ready (23), LHP Josh Simpson (32), RHP Joey Steele (30), SS Jack Strunc (25)
Released: LHP Elvis Araujo, OF Michael Donadio
Added to 40-man: RHP Zac Gallen, SS Yadiel Rivera

Milwaukee Brewers
Signed: RHP Nick Belzer (NDFA—Minnesota State), RHP Anthony DiMeglio (NDFA—Fordham), LHP Ian Exposito (NDFA—St. Thomas (Fla.)), RHP Karsen Lindell, RHP Jackson Sigman, RHP Zach Vennaro (NDFA—Mount Olive (N.C.))
Signed Draft Picks: LHP Brock Begue (11), LHP Kelvin Bender (17), SS Cam Devanney (15), OF Terence Doston (22), OF Abimael Gonzalez (37), 1B Kevin Hardin (33), C Nick Kahle (4), RHP Peyton Long (30), RHP Bryce Milligan (19), RHP Eli Nabholz (38), SS Odrick Pitre (35), LHP Arman Sabouri (12), RHP Paxton Schultz (14), LHP Josh Shapiro (34), RHP Eddy Tavarez (21), OF Michael Wilson (16), OF Zane Zurbrugg (27)
Released: 3B Brett Lawrie

Minnesota Twins
LHP Ian Krol
Signed Draft Picks: RHP Tyler Beck (30), RHP Matt Canterino (2), SS Keoni Cavaco (1), OF Bryson Gandy (32), RHP Sawyer Gipson (6), 3B Seth Gray (4), RHP Owen Griffith (20), RHP Bradley Hanner (21), LHP Brent Headrick (9), C Alex Isola (29), 1B Trevor Jensen (24), RHP Cody Laweryson (14), RHP Sean Mooney (12), 1B Parker Phillips (27), SS Anthony Prato (7), RHP Rogelio Reyes (22), C Kyle Schmidt (33), RHP Ryan Shreve (16), OF Max Smith (31), RHP Matthew Swain (23), RHP Dylan Thomas (13), RHP Louie Varland (15), LHP Niall Windeler (19)
Released: 3B Randy Cesar, OF Tanner English, INF Hunter Lee, SS Agustin Marte, SS Victor Tademo
Added to 40-man: RHP Sean Poppen

New York Mets
RHP Brooks Pounders from Indians for cash considerations
Signed: SS Patrick Causa (NDFA—Mount St. Mary’s), RHP Matt Mullenbach (NDFA—Lincoln Memorial (Tenn.))
Signed Draft Picks: OF Cole Kleszcz (33), RHP Nick MacDonald (23), OF Tanner Murphy (18), OF Kennie Taylor (14)
Elected free agency: LHP Hector Santiago
Added to 40-man: RHP Stephen Nogosek, RHP Brooks Pounders
Removed from 40-man: LHP Hector Santiago 

New York Yankees
Signed Draft Picks: LHP Jake Agnos (4), RHP Nelson Alvarez (13), LHP Michael Giacone (28), RHP Zach Kohn (21), LHP Matt Minnick (23), LHP Garrett Van Zijll (22), RHP Evan Voliva (18), SS Anthony Volpe (1)
Released: RHP Danny Farquhar, RHP Drew Hutchison

Oakland Athletics
RHP Brock Whittlesey (NDFA—New Mexico State), RHP Dominic Yearego (NDFA—West Texas A&M)
Signed Draft Picks:
RHP Edward Baram (30), OF Marty Bechina (32), RHP Vince Coletti (17), RHP Jack Cushing (22), RHP Jose Dicochea (8), SS Jalen Greer (5), RHP Charles Hall (33), 3B Dustin Harris (11), 3B Gavin Jones (27), RHP Trayson Kubo (24), LHP David Leal (38), C Kyle McCann (4), RHP Peyton Miller (14), SS Elvis Peralta (26), RHP Zach Rafuse (35), RHP Sam Romero Contreras (40), OF Shane Selman (21), RHP Seth Shuman (6), OF Marcus Smith (3), SS Sahid Valenzuela (13), RHP Austin Wahl (23), RHP Jake Walkinshaw (36), OF Josh Watson (15), RHP Chase Wheatcroft (37), 2B Michael Woodworth (29)
Released: 1B Hunter Hargrove, RHP Adam Reuss

Philadephia Phillies
INF Brad Miller from Yankees for cash considerations
Signed: RHP Albertus Barber (NDFA—Central Missouri), RHP Tyler Burch (NDFA—Lewis-Clark State (Idaho)), RHP John Curtiss, SS Sal Gozzo (NDFA—Tulane), RHP Connor Hinchliffe (NDFA—La Salle), LHP Brenden Kudlinski (NDFA—Central Florida JC), LHP Brian Marconi (NDFA—George Mason), RHP Fernando Salas, LHP Riley Wilson (NDFA—Virginia)
Signed Draft Picks: LHP Tyler Adams (27), SS Jamari Baylor (3), LHP Cam Beauchamp (36), RHP Brendan Bell (37), SS Chris Cornelius (16), LHP Austin Crowson (39), RHP Hilton Dyar (21), SS Nate Fassnacht (8), RHP Carlos Francisco (28), C Vito Friscia (40), OF Keaton Greenwalt (20), OF Hunter Hearn (26), LHP Josh Hendrickson (38), C Herbert Iser (23), LHP Nick Lackney (18), RHP Adam Leverett (15), OF Hunter Markwardt (13), OF Tucker Maxwell (22), RHP Gunner Mayer (5), LHP Hunter Milam (17), 1B Rudy Rott (9), RHP Jamie Sara (25), RHP Andrew Schultz (6), RHP Brett Schulze (7), 3B McCarthy Tatum (10), RHP Jose Ulloa (24), LHP Spencer Van Scoyoc (19), C Micah Yonamine (29)
Released: 3B Austin Filiere, 3B Bradley Haslam, SS Gift Ngoepe, 3B Damek Tomscha
Added to 40-man: INF Brad Miller
Removed from 40-man: 2B Phil Gosselin (outrighted to Triple-A)

Pittsburgh Pirates
2B Darnell Sweeney
Signed Draft Picks: RHP Samson Abernathy (27), SS Andres Alvarez (22), RHP Bear Bellomy (28), 2B Josh Bissonette (31), RHP Grant Ford (5), OF Matthew Fraizer (3), C Ethan Goforth (25), OF Matt Gorski (2), RHP Cameron Junker (10), RHP Garrett Leonard (15), LHP Trey McGough (24), OF Chase Murray (13), 3B Ernny Ordonez (33), RHP Austin Roberts (8), RHP Daniel Ross (39), OF Blake Sabol (7), SS Aaron Shackelford (14), OF Sammy Siani (1S), LHP Jake Sweeney (36), 3B Jared Triolo (2S), RHP Ryan Troutman (26), C Kyle Wilkie (12), C Eli Wilson (16), 2B Cory Wood (19)
Added to 40-man: RHP Dario Agrazal

St. Louis Cardinals
RHP Dalton Roach (NDFA—Minnesota State)
Signed Draft Picks:
SS Ben Baird (34), RHP Cameron Dulle (30), RHP Logan Gragg (8), RHP Anthony Green (33), RHP Thomas Hart (16), RHP Eric Lex (27), RHP Tony Locey (3), OF Todd Lott (9), RHP Adrian Mardueno (20), C Pedro Pages (6), RHP Dylan Pearce (31), RHP Tyler Peck (28), RHP Scott Politz (29), RHP Jeremy Randolph (26), C Zade Richardson (22), OF Patrick Romeri (12), C Kyle Skeels (36), RHP Tyler Statler (14), LHP Connor Thomas (5), LHP Zack Thompson (1), OF David Vinsky (15), 3B Brylie Ware (23), RHP Michael YaSenka (17)
Released: OF Brian Sanchez, C Benito Santiago
Added to 40-man: 3B Rangel Ravelo
Removed from 40-man: RHP Merandy Gonzalez (outrighted to Double-A)

San Diego Padres
LHP Sam Williams (NDFA—Northern Kentucky)
Signed Draft Picks:
OF Matthew Acosta (12), RHP Blake Baker (25), LHP Sam Ballard (28), RHP Robert Briley (16), SS Chris Givin (19), OF Hudson Head (3), LHP Dylan Hoffman (39), OF Pierce Jones (26), RHP Brandon Komar (13), SS Anthony Nunez (29), SS Ripken Reyes (30), RHP Jason Reynolds (32), OF Jack Stronach (21)
Added to 40-man: LHP Logan Allen, RHP Kazuhisa Makita

San Franciso Giants
C Brett Austin, C Matt Malkin
Signed Draft Picks: 2B Carter Aldrete (15), RHP Nick Avila (26), 1B Connor Cannon (17), RHP Brooks Crawford (29), RHP Justin Crump (30), 2B Nolan Dempsey (33), 1B Garrett Frechette (5), OF Harrison Freed (13), OF Najee Gaskins (20), SS Jeff Houghtby (10), RHP Evan Lumbert (24), OF Grant McCray (3), RHP Nick Morreale (14), RHP Kanoa Pagan (19), RHP Cole Waites (18), SS Simon Whiteman (9), OF Javeyan Williams (22), LHP Chris Wright (12), 3B Tyler Wyatt (31)
Released: C Angeddy Almanzar, RHP Johan Herrera, RHP Kieran Lovegrove, RHP Mack Meyer, RHP Connor Overton

Seattle Mariners
Acquired: RHP Juan Then from Yankees for 1B Edwin Encarnacion and cash considerations
Signed: RHP Michael Stryffeler (NDFA—Lake Erie (Ohio))
Signed Draft Picks: RHP Ty Adcock (8), RHP Tyler Driver (18), RHP Kyle Hill (10), RHP George Kirby (1), OF Cade Marlowe (20), RHP Reeves Martin (21), SS Caleb Ricca (23), RHP Kipp Rollings (24), RHP Freddy Villarreal (25), LHP Brandon Williamson (2)
Released: OF Anthony Jimenez, RHP Robin Leyer, OF Jansiel Rivera, RHP Nick Rumbelow
Added to 40-man: C Austin Nola

Tampa Bay Rays
Signed: C Ryan Fineman (NDFA—Indiana), OF Mason Mallard (NDFA—Louisiana State), C Michael Perez
Signed Draft Picks: OF Logan Allen (14), SS Angelo Armenta (38), LHP Carter Bach (34), RHP Trevor Brigden (17), LHP John Doxakis (2), C Jonathan Embry (10), RHP JJ Goss (1S), 1B Jake Guenther (7), OF Zach Huffins (13), OF Christian Johnson (19), RHP Seth Johnson (1S), SS Greg Jones (1), LHP Joe LaSorsa (18), RHP Evan McKendry (9), RHP Jayden Murray (23), SS Nick Sogard (12), C Luis Trevino (40), SS Ben Troike (11), RHP Mitchell Walters (25), RHP Nathan Wiles (8), 2B Brett Wisely (15)
Released: OF Bryce Brown
Added to 40-man: RHP Andrew Kittredge

Texas Rangers
Acquired: RHP Jake Petricka from Brewers for player to be named later
Signed Draft Picks: RHP Ben Anderson (13), RHP Mason Cole (27), RHP Joe Corbett (10), 1B Blaine Crim (19), SS Cody Freeman (4), SS Jake Hoover (28), RHP Leon Hunter (35), RHP Zak Kent (9), RHP Jamarcus Lang (38), RHP John Matthews (8), RHP Spencer Mraz (33), LHP Triston Polley (16), RHP Luke Schiltz (24), RHP Justin Slaten (3), LHP Corey Stone (26), OF Kellen Strahm (5)
Released: SS Chase d’Arnaud
Added to 40-man: LHP Locke St. John

Toronto Blue Jays
Signed: LHP Kyle Huckaby, RHP Alex Nolan
Signed Draft Picks:
1B Scotty Bradley (36), RHP Jared DiCesare (17), RHP Michael Dominguez (15), SS Cameron Eden (6), RHP Nick Fraze (22), 1B Spencer Horwitz (24), RHP Jackxarel Lebron (16), RHP Alek Manoah (1), RHP Andrew McInvale (37), SS Tanner Morris (5), 1B Nick Neal (11), RHP Gabriel Ponce (28), RHP Luis Quinones (34), OF Eric Rivera (14), LHP Jimmy Robbins (20), OF Will Robertson (4), RHP Sam Ryan (12), RHP Blake Sanderson (31), SS Glenn Santiago (10), SS Trevor Schwecke (13), C Dalton Sloniger (38), RHP Anders Tolhurst (23), RHP Kendall Williams (2)
Released: LHP Kelyn Jose
Added to 40-man: RHP Jordan Romano

Washington Nationals
Signed Draft Picks: 3B Jake Alu (24), SS J.T. Arruda (11), SS Jackson Cluff (6), SS Jack Dunn (20), OF Jake Randa (13)
Released: 2B Jacob Wilson

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