Mad Hatters! Stetson Not Pleased With Gators’ Cancellation

In the agate type of your local newspaper, the game is listed as Stetson at No. 8 Florida, cancelled, rain. But the Hatters were, well, mad about the outcome.

Before the game was called on account of rain, the Hatters had battered the Gators, leading 10-1 in the fifth inning. After a rain delay of one hour and 45 minutes, the Gators called the game, said they would not resume, and to Stetson’s consternation, would not reschedule.

Essentially, the game never happened. No loss for the Gators, no big win for Stetson. No nothing.

No satisified with that outcome, Stetson wanted the last say. In an article titled, “Gators Call “No Mas”, Refuse to Answer Bell after Rain Delay” on its website, Hatters associate athletic director Ricky Hazel wrote, “(When) the rain stopped after a one hour, 45 minute delay, the Gators refused to come out and finish the game.

“With two available open dates for the teams to resume the game, Florida also balked, saying those dates—Tuesday, May 10 and Tuesday, May 16—were too close to the SEC Tournament for them to be able to play.

So, the Stetson Hatters will have to be happy with knowing that they beat the mighty Gators into submission, even though they won’t get the win, or the stats, to show for their efforts.”

For his part, Hatters coach Steve Trimper encouraged his team to move past the issue.

As of late afternoon, the Gators had not responded to the tweets.

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