Image credit:
Mariano Rivera (Focus on Sport/Getty Images)
Baseball America has been ranking each organization’s Top 10 Prospects since 1983. Here are the complete rankings for 1983-2000, the pre-Prospect Handbook era.
Arizona Diamondbacks
- Travis Lee, 1b
- John Patterson, rhp
- Vladimir Nunez, rhp
- Jhensy Sandoval, of
- Karim Garcia, of
- Brad Penny, rhp
- Mark Osborne, c
- Ben Ford, rhp
- Jack Cust, of
- Edwin Diaz, 2b
- Brad Penny, rhp
- John Patterson, rhp
- Nick Bierbrodt, lhp
- Vladimir, Nunez, rhp
- Jack Cust, of
- Danny Klassen, ss/2b
- Abraham Nunez, of
- Jason Conti, of
- Jhensy Sandoval, of
- Jackie Rexrode, 2b
- John Patterson, rhp
- Jack Cust, of
- Byung-Hyun Kim, rhp
- Jeremy Ward, rhp
- Nick Bierbrodt, lhp
- Alex Cintron, ss
- Rod Barajas, c
- Luis Terrero, of
- Ben Norris, lhp
- Geraldo Guzman, rhp
Atlanta Braves
- Brad Komminsk, of
- Brian Fisher, rhp
- Duane Ward, rhp
- Miguel Sosa, inf
- Gerald Perry, 1b
- Brook Jacoby, 3b
- Zane Smith, lhp
- Albert Hall, of
- Kenny Clark, ss
- Matt West, rhp
- Brad Komminsk, of
- Jeff Dedmon, rhp
- Duane Ward, rhp
- Miguel Sosa, 2b
- Gerald Perry, 1b
- Brian Fisher, rhp
- Zane Smith, lhp
- Albert Hall, of
- Craig Jones, rhp
- Andres Thomas, ss
- Duane Ward, rhp
- Drew Denson, of
- Tom Glavine, lhp
- Milt Thompson, of
- Marty Clary, rhp
- Paul Zuvella, ss
- Miguel Sosa, 2b
- Jeff Blauser, ss
- Zane Smith, lhp
- Andres Thomas, ss
- Duane Ward, rhp
- Tom Glavine, lhp
- Drew Denson, of
- Andres Thomas, ss
- Jeff Blauser, ss
- Paul Assenmacher, lhp
- Matt West, rhp
- John Kilner, lhp
- Tommy Greene, rhp
- Greg Tubbs, of
- Jeff Blauser, ss
- Tom Glavine, lhp
- Tommy Greene, rhp
- Dave Justice, of
- Sean Ross, of
- Brian Deak, c
- Ron Gant, 2b
- Drew Denson, of
- Kent Mercker, lhp
- John Kilner, lhp
- Derek Lilliquist, lhp
- Tommy Greene, rhp
- Kevin Coffman, rhp
- Ron Gant, 2b
- Andy Nezelek, rhp
- John Smoltz, rhp
- Ed Whited, 3b
- Dave Justice, of
- Dave Nied, rhp
- Tom Redington, 3b
- Steve Avery, lhp
- Kent Mercker, lhp
- Derek Lilliquist, lhp
- John Smoltz, rhp
- Tommy Greene, rhp
- Barry Jones, of
- Dennis Burlingame, rhp
- Dennis Hood, of
- Mark Lemke, 2b
- Jimmy Kremers, c
- Steve Avery, lhp
- Mike Stanton, lhp
- Tommy Greene, rhp
- Kent Mercker, lhp
- Tyler Houston, c
- Dave Justice, of
- Mark Lemke, 2b
- Dennis Burlingame, rhp
- Tom Redington, 3b
- Brian Hunter, of
- Ryan Klesko, 1b
- Chipper Jones, ss
- Tyler Houston, c
- Javier Lopez, c
- Mark Wohlers, rhp
- Melvin Nieves, 1b/of
- Ramon Caraballo, 2b
- Paul Marak, rhp
- Keith Mitchell, of
- Ben Rivera, rhp
- Chipper Jones, ss
- Ryan Klesko, 1b
- Mark Wohlers, rhp
- Mike Kelly, of
- David Nied, rhp
- Javier Lopez, c
- Keith Mitchell, of
- Melvin Nieves, of
- Napoleon Robinson, rhp
- Vince Moore, of
- Chipper Jones, ss
- Javy Lopez, c
- Ryan Klesko, 1b
- Mike Kelly, of
- Melvin Nieves, of
- Jamie Arnold, rhp
- Jose Oliva, 3b
- Chris Seelbach, rhp
- Donnie Elliott, rhp
- Jason Schmidt, rhp
- Chipper Jones, ss
- Ryan Klesko, 1b
- Terrell Wade, lhp
- Javy Lopez, c
- Glenn Williams, ss
- Mike Kelly, of
- Jamie Arnold, rhp
- Damon Hollins, of
- Andre King, of
- Jamie Howard, rhp
- Chipper Jones, ss
- Andruw Jones, of
- Jason Schmidt, rhp
- Glenn Williams, ss
- Terrell Wade, lhp
- Jermaine Dye, of
- Damon Hollins, of
- Fernando Lunar, c
- Damian Moss, lhp
- Jose Oliva, 3b
- Andruw Jones, of
- Jason Schmidt, rhp
- Jermaine Dye, of
- Robert Smith, 3b
- Terrell Wade, lhp
- Damon Hollins, of
- George Lombard, of
- Ron Wright, 1b
- Glenn Williams, ss
- Damian Moss, lhp
- Andruw Jones, of
- Kevin McGlinchy, rhp
- Bruce Chen, lhp
- Jason Marquis, rhp
- George Lombard, of
- Damian Moss, lhp
- John LeRoy, rhp
- Robbie Bell, rhp
- Wes Helms, 3b
- Jimmy Osting, lhp
- Bruce Chen, lhp
- Robbie Bell, rhp
- Luis Rivera, rhp
- Odalis Perez, lhp
- George Lombard, of
- A.J. Zapp, 1b
- Troy Cameron, ss
- Jason Marquis, rhp
- Wes Helms, 3b
- Glenn Williams, 2b
- Bruce Chen, lhp
- George Lombard, of
- Odalis Perez, lhp
- Luis Rivera, rhp
- Jason Marquis, rhp
- Kevin McGlinchy, rhp
- Rafael Furcal, ss
- Micah Bowie, lhp
- Wes Helms, 3b
- Marcus Giles, 2b
- Rafael Furcal, ss
- George Lombard, of
- Marcus Giles, 2b
- Scott Sobkowiak, rhp
- Luis Rivera, rhp
- Jason Marquis, rhp
- Junior Brignac, of
- Jimmy Osting, lhp
- Pat Manning, 2b
- Brett Evert, rhp
Baltimore Orioles
- John Shelby, of
- Leo Hernandez, 3b
- Mike Young, of
- Mike Boddicker, rhp
- Mark Brown, rhp
- Rick Jones, ss
- Jeff Doerr, 3b
- Don Welchel, rhp
- Al Pardo, c
- Ken Dixon, rhp
- Mike Young, of
- Ricky Jones, ss
- Ken Gerhart, of
- Allan Ramirez, rhp
- Gerry Melillo, c
- Joe Kucharski, rhp
- Carlos Concepcion, rhp
- Larry Sheets, of
- Ron Salcedo, of
- Al Pardo, c
- Al Pardo, c
- Ken Dixon, rhp
- Jim Traber, 1b/of
- Ken Gerhart, of
- Greg Talamantez, rhp
- Larry Sheets, of
- John Habyan, rhp
- John Hoover, rhp
- Ron Salcedo, of
- Ricky Jones, ss
- Ken Gerhart, of
- John Habyan, rhp
- D.L. Smith, ss
- Mark Leiter, rhp
- Craig Worthington, ss
- Greg Talamantez, rhp
- Eric Bell, lhp
- Al Pardo, c
- Jeff Ballard, lhp
- John Hoover, rhp
- Ken Gerhart, of
- Craig Worthington, 3b
- Eric Bell, lhp
- Jeff Ballard, lhp
- D.L. Smith, ss
- John Habyan, rhp
- Billy Ripken, 2b
- Pete Stanicek, 2b
- Greg Talamantez, rhp
- Sherwin Cijntje, of
- Craig Worthington, 3b
- Chris Myers, lhp
- Jose Mesa, rhp
- Pete Stanicek, 2b
- Oswald Peraza, rhp
- Leo Gomez, 3b
- Sherwin Cijntje, of
- John Hoover, rhp
- Pete Harnisch, rhp
- Carl Nichols, rhp
- Pete Harnisch, rhp
- Gergg Olson, rhp
- Juan Bell, ss
- Craig Worthington, 3b
- Bob Milacki, rhp
- Chris Meyers, lhp
- Steve Finley, of
- Jose Mesa, rhp
- Arthur Rhodes, lhp
- Ricky Gutierrez, ss
- Ben McDonald, rhp
- Curt Schilling, rhp
- Arthur Rhodes, lhp
- David Segui, 1b
- Mike Linskey, lhp
- Manny Alexander, ss
- Leo Gomez, 3b
- Juan Bell, ss
- Chris Meyers, lhp
- Luis Mercedes, 2b
- Arthur Rhodes, lhp
- Mike Mussina, rhp
- Ricky Gutierrez, ss
- Jose Mesa, rhp
- Leo Gomez, 3b
- Mike Linskey, lhp
- Luis Mercedes, of
- T.R. Lewis, 3b
- Jeff Williams, rhp
- Manny Alexander, ss
- Arthur Rhodes, lhp
- Manny Alexander, ss
- Mark Smith, of
- Luis Mercedes, of
- Jeff Williams, rhp
- Vaughn Eshelman, lhp
- Ricky Gutierrez, ss
- Alex Ochoa, of
- Brad Pennington, lhp
- Damon Buford, of
- Brad Pennington, lhp
- Jeffrey Hammonds, of
- Manny Alexander, ss
- Alex Ochoa, of
- Jimmy Haynes, rhp
- Jose Mercedes, rhp
- Mark Smith, of
- John O’Donoghue, lhp
- Luis Mercedes, of
- T.R. Lewis, 1b
- Jeffrey Hammonds, of
- Alex Ochoa, of
- Manny Alexander, ss
- Armando Benitez, rhp
- Jay Powell, rhp
- Jimmy Haynes, rhp
- Curtis Goodwin, of
- Mark Smith, of
- Vaughn Eshelman, lhp
- Rick Forney, rhp
- Armando Benitez, rhp
- Alex Ochoa, of
- Jimmy Haynes, rhp
- Curtis Goodwin, of
- Rocky Coppinger, rhp
- Manny Alexander, ss
- Jay Powell, rhp
- Tommy Davis, 3b
- Brian Sackinsky, rhp
- Calvin Maduro, rhp
- Rocky Coppinger, rhp
- Jimmy Haynes, rhp
- Billy Percibal, rhp
- Chris Fussell, rhp
- Eddy Martinez, ss
- Eugene Kingsale, of
- Tommy Davis, 1b
- Kimera Bartree, of
- Alvie Shepherd, rhp
- Scott McClain, 3b
- Sidney Ponson, rhp
- Nerio Rodriguez, rhp
- Eugene Kingsale, of
- Chris Fussell, rhp
- Julio Moreno, rhp
- Calvin Pickering, 1b/DH
- Alvie Shepherd, rhp
- Mark Seaver, rhp
- Ryan Minor, 3b
- Brian Falkenborg, rhp
- Ryan Minor, 3b
- Darnell McDonald, of
- Sidney Ponson, rhp
- Calvin Pickering, 1b
- Nerio Rodriguez, rhp
- Eugene Kingsale, of
- Jayson Werth, c
- Julio Moreno, rhp
- Steve Montgomery, rhp
- Danny Clyburn, of
- Matt Riley, lhp
- Calvin Pickering, 1b
- Jayson Werth, c
- Darnell McDonald, of
- Ryan Minor, 3b
- Jerry Hairston, 2b
- Chris Fussell, rhp
- Ntema Ndungidi, of
- Rick Elder, of
- Gabe Molina, rhp
- Matt Riley, lhp
- Jayson Werth, c
- Richard Stahl, lhp
- Luis Matos, of
- B.J. Ryan, lhp
- Darnell McDonald, of
- Brian Roberts, of
- Keith Reed, of
- Tim Raines Jr., of
- Calvin Pickering, 1b
Boston Red Sox
- Mike Brown, rhp
- Dennis “Oil Can” Boyd, rhp
- Sam Horn, 1b
- Gus Burgess, of
- Jackie Gutierrez, ss
- Marc Sullivan, c
- Dave Malpeso, c
- Marty Barrett, 2b
- Ed Jurak, 3b/ss
- Al Nipper, rhp
- Roger Clemens, rhp
- Rey Quinonez, ss
- Sam Horn, 1b
- Al Nipper, rhp
- Jackie Gutierrez, ss
- Gus Burgess, of
- Rob Woodward, rhp
- Jose Birriel, 1b
- Mike Brumley, ss
- Mike Rochford, lhp
- Rey Quinonez, ss
- Sam Horn, 1b
- John Marzano, c
- Jose Birriel, 1b
- Tom McCarthy, rhp
- Steve Lyons, 3b
- Rob Woodward, rhp
- Mitch Johnson, rhp
- Gus Burgess, of
- Rob Parkins, rhp
- Rey Quinonez, ss
- Ellis Burks, of
- Rob Woodward, rhp
- Sam Horn, 1b
- Jody Reed, ss
- Jeff Sellers, rhp
- Dana Williams, of
- John Marzano, c
- John Leister, rhp
- Roberto Zambrano, 3b
- Ellis Burks, of
- Josias Manzanillo, rhp
- Rob Woodward, rhp
- John Marzano, c
- Jody Reed, ss
- Roberto Zambrano, 3b
- Steve Curry, rhp
- Mike Greenwell, of
- Brady Anderson, of
- Luis Vasquez, rhp
- Brady Anderson, of
- Dan Gabriele, rhp
- Jody Reed, ss
- Carlos Quintana, of
- Eric Hetzel, rhp
- Steve Curry, rhp
- Josias Manzanillo, rhp
- Angel Gonzalez, 2b/3b
- Scott Cooper, 3b
- Reggie Harris, rhp
- Scott Cooper, 3b
- Carlos Quintana, of
- Dan Gabriele, rhp
- Todd Pratt, c
- Eric Hetzel, rhp
- Reggie Harris, rhp
- Micky Pina, of
- Tom Fischer, lhp
- Steve Curry, rhp
- Bob Zupcic, of
- Scott Cooper, 3b
- Mo Vaughn, 1b
- Mickey Pina, of
- Phil Plantier, of
- Kevin Morton, lhp
- Daryl Irvine, rhp
- Tim Naehring, ss
- Derek Livernois, rhp
- Eric Wedge, c
- Greg Blosser, of
- Mo Vaughn, 1b
- Phil Plantier, of
- Jeff McNeely, of
- Dave Owen, lhp
- Greg Blosser, of
- Derek Livernois, rhp
- Kevin Morton, lhp
- Scott Taylor, lhp
- Scott Cooper, 3b
- Eric Wedge, c
- Frank Rodriguez, rhp
- Jeff McNeely, of
- Aaron Sele, rhp
- Scott Cooper, 3b
- Scott Hatteberg, c
- Greg Blosser, of
- Eric Wedge, c
- Peter Hoy, rhp
- Scott Taylor, lhp
- Paul Quantrill, rhp
- Frank Rodriguez, rhp
- Greg Blosser, of
- Aaron Sele, rhp
- Luis Ortiz, 3b
- Joe Caruso, rhp
- Jeff McNeely, of
- Ken Ryan, rhp
- Robert Henkel, rhp
- Jose Malave, of
- Scott Hatteberg, c
- Trot Nixon, of
- Frank Rodriguez, rhp
- Luis Ortiz, 3b
- Ryan McGuire, 1b
- Jeff McNeely, of
- Jeff Suppan, rhp
- Jose Malave, of
- J.J. Johnson, of
- Cory Bailey, rhp
- Tim Vanegmond, rhp
- Nomar Garciaparra, ss
- Frank Rodriguez, rhp
- Trot Nixon, of
- Jeff Suppan, rhp
- Jose Malave, of
- Rafael Orellano, lhp
- Luis Ortiz, 3b
- Steve Rodriguez, 2b
- Donnie Sadler, ss
- Glenn Murray, of
- Donnie Sadler, ss
- Jeff Suppan, rhp
- Trot Nixon, of
- Nomar Garciaparra, ss
- Andy Yount, rhp
- Brian Rose, rhp
- Michael Coleman, of
- Carl Pavano, rhp
- Rafael Orellando, lhp
- Peter Munro, rhp
- Nomar Garciaparra, ss
- Carl Pavano, rhp
- Donnie Sadler, 2b
- Brian Rose, rhp
- Jeff Suppan, rhp
- Chris Reitsma, rhp
- Damian Sapp, c
- Peter Munro, rhp
- Cole Liniak, 3b
- Trot Nixon, of
- Brian Rose, rhp
- Michael Coleman, of
- Chris Reitsma, rhp
- Robinson Checo, rhp
- Donnie Sadler, 2b
- Cole Liniak, 3b
- John Curtice, lhp
- Dernell Stenson, of
- Matt Kinney, rhp
- Jim Chamblee, 2b
- Darnell Stenson, of
- John Curtice, lhp
- Adam Everett, ss
- Steve Lomasney, c
- Donnie Sadler, 2b
- Jin Ho Cho, rhp
- Brian Rose, rhp
- Trot Nixon, of
- Cole Liniak, 3b
- Shea Hillenbrand, c
- Steve Lomasney, c
- Dernell Stenson, 1b
- Sun-Woo Kim, rhp
- Wilton Veras, 3b
- Tomokazu Ohka, rhp
- Rick Asadoorian, of
- Michael Coleman, of
- Cesar Saba, ss
- Juan Pena, rhp
- Casey Fossum, lhp
Chicago Cubs
- Shawon Dunston, ss
- Joe Carter, of
- Vance Lovelace, lhp
- Mel Hall, of
- Pat Tabler, 3b
- Stan Boderick, of
- Geoff Doggett, of
- Craig Lefferts, lhp
- Carmelo Martinez, 1b
- Don Schulze, rhp
- Shawon Dunston, ss
- Joe Carter, of
- Billy Hatcher, of
- Jackie Davidson, rhp
- Tony Woods, 3b
- Stan Boderick, of
- Don Shulze, rhp
- Dave Owen, ss
- Stan Kyles, rhp
- Henry Cotto, of
- Shawon Dunston, ss
- Billy Hatcher, of
- John Abrego, rhp
- Tony Woods, 3b
- Greg Maddux, rhp
- Damon Berryhill, c
- Drew Hall, lhp
- Darrin Jackson, of
- Bill Johnson, rhp
- Mike Brumley, of
- Carl Hamilton, lhp
- Billy Hatcher, of
- Mike Brumley, ss
- Gary Parmenter, rhp
- Drew Hall, lhp
- Rafael Palmeiro, of
- Greg Maddux, rhp
- Dave Martinez, of
- Damon Berryhill, c
- Jackie Davidson, rhp
- Rafael Palmeiro, of
- Drew Hall, lhp
- Dave Martinez, of
- Carl Hamilton, lhp
- Greg Maddux, rhp
- Mark Grace, 1b
- Dwight Smith, of
- Leonard Damian, rhp
- Mike Brumley, ss
- Doug Dascenzo, of
- Mark Grace, 1b
- Mike Harkey, rhp
- Rich Wilkins, c
- Dave Masters, rhp
- Dwight Smith, of
- Joe Girardi, c
- Pat Gomez, lhp
- Leonard Damian, rhp
- Jerome Walton, of
- Doug Dascenzo, of
- Mike Harkey, rhp
- Jerome Walton, of
- Ty Griffin, 2b
- Rick Wilkins, c
- Frank Castillo, rhp
- Shawn Boskie, rhp
- Joe Girardi, c
- Dwight Smith, of
- Roberto Smalls, rhp
- Derrick May, of
- Mike Harkey, rhp
- Rick Wilkins, c
- Ty Griffin, 2b/3b
- Earl Cunningham, of
- Shawn Boskie, rhp
- Pedro Castellano, 3b
- Greg Smith, 2b
- Derrick May, of
- Gary Scott, 3b
- Alex Arias, ss
- Lance Dickson, lhp
- Gary Scott, 3b
- Earl Cunningham, of
- Jose Viera, 3b
- Jessie Hollins, rhp
- Sean Cheetham, rhp
- Rick Wilkins, c
- Pedro Castellano, 3b
- Paul Torres, of
- Alex Arias, ss
- Lance Dickson, lhp
- Pedro Castellano, 3b
- Ryan Hawblitzel, rhp
- Gary Scott, 3b
- Doug Glanville, of
- Tim Parker, rhp
- Earl Cunningham, of
- Elvin Paulino, 1b
- Turk Wendell, rhp
- Phil Dauphin, of
- Jessie Hollins, rhp
- Steve Trachsel, rhp
- Derek Wallace, rhp
- Kevin Roberson, of
- Dave Stevens, rhp
- Doug Glanville, of
- Jose Viera, 3b
- Matt Walbeck, c
- Brant Brown, 1b
- Ozzie Timmons, of
- Brooks Kieschnick, of
- Brant Brown, 1b
- Derek Wallace, rhp
- Kevin Orie, ss
- Steve Trachsel, rhp
- Jon Ratliff, rhp
- Doug Glanville, of
- Amaury Telemaco, rhp
- Matt Franco, 1b
- Hector Trinidad, rhp
- Brooks Kieschnick, 1b
- Amaury Telemaco, rhp
- Kevin Orie, ss
- Derek Wallace, rhp
- Jayson Peterson, rhp
- Mike Hubbard, c
- Javier Martinez, rhp
- Jason Ryan, rhp
- Doug Glanville, of
- Brian Stephenson, rhp
- Brooks Kieschnick, of
- Kerry Wood, rhp
- Terry Adams, rhp
- Amaury Telemaco, rhp
- Pat Cline, c
- Jason Ryan, rhp
- Brian Stephenson, rhp
- Wade Walker, rhp
- Kevin Orie, 3b
- Robin Jennings, of
- Kerry Wood, rhp
- Kevin Orie, 3b
- Pat Cline, c
- Jeremi Gonzalez, rhp
- Chris Gissell, rhp
- Quincy Carter, of
- Brooks Kieschnick, of
- Steve Rain, rhp
- Todd Noel, rhp
- Kyle Farnsworth, rhp
- Kerry Wood, rhp
- Todd Noel, rhp
- Pat Cline, c
- Jon Garland, rhp
- Chris Gissell, rhp
- Jason Smith, ss
- Courtney Duncan, rhp
- Dennis Abreu, ss
- Brad Ramsey, c
- Chad Meyers, 2b
- Corey Patterson, of
- Kyle Farnsworth, rhp
- Chris Gissell, rhp
- Jaisen Randolph, of
- Jose Nieves, ss
- Kyle Lohse, rhp
- Pat Cline, c
- Phillip Norton, lhp
- Brian McNichol, lhp
- David Kelton, 3b
- Corey Patterson, of
- Hee Seop Choi, 1b
- Carlos Zambrano, rhp
- Ruben Quevedo, rhp
- Ben Christensen, rhp
- Jeff Goldbach, c
- Mike Meyers, rhp
- David Kelton, 3b
- Scott Downs, lhp
- Eric Hinske, 3b
Chicago White Sox
- Joel Skinner, c
- Ken Williams, of
- Ron Kittle, of
- Daryl Boston, of
- Ron Karkovice, c
- Greg Walker, 1b
- David Yobs, of
- Tim Hulett, 2b
- Lorenzo Gray, 3b
- Jim Siwy, rhp
- Ken Williams, of
- Ron Karkovice, c
- Edwin Correa, rhp
- Joel Davis, rhp
- Joel Skinner, c
- Daryl Boston, of
- Rolando Pino, ss
- Bob Fallon, lhp
- Tim Hulett, 2b/3b
- Al Jones, rhp
- Ken Williams, of
- Daryl Boston, of
- Ozzie Guillen, ss
- Joel Davis, rhp
- Ron Karkovice, c
- Edwin Correa, rhp
- Joel Skinner, c
- Bruce Tanner, rhp
- Tony Menendez, rhp
- Russ Morman, 1b
- Ken Williams, of
- Bobby Thigpen, rhp
- Russ Morman, 3b
- Tony Menendez, rhp
- Ron Karkovice, c
- Bruce Tanner, rhp
- Jim Hickey, rhp
- Cornelio Garcia, 1b
- Tom Forrester, 1b
- Glen Braxton, of
- Bobby Thigpen, rhp
- Ron Karkovice, c
- Russ Morman, 1b/of
- Tony Menendez, rhp
- Ken Williams, of
- Grady Hall, lhp
- Dave Cochrane, 3b
- David White, rhp
- Carlos Martinez, ss
- Tom Forrester, 1b
- Jack McDowell, rhp
- Melido Perez, rhp
- Santiago Garcia, 2b
- Willie Magallanes, of
- Ken Patterson, lhp
- Jerry Bertolani, ss
- Adam Peterson, rhp
- Ron Karkovice, c
- Greg Hibbard, lhp
- Carl Sullivan, rhp
- Robin Ventura, 3b
- Adam Peterson, rhp
- Aubrey Waggoner, of
- Ed Smith, 3b
- Mark Davis, of
- Brent Knackert, rhp
- Carlos Martinez, 3b/of
- Carl Sullivan, of
- Ravelo Manzanillo, lhp
- Lenny Brutcher, rhp
- Wilson Alvarez, lhp
- Sammy Sosa, of
- Robin Ventura, 3b
- Scott Radinsky, lhp
- Wayne Edwards, lhp
- Adam Peterson, rhp
- Frank Thomas, 1b
- Roberto Hernandez, rhp
- Craig Grebeck, ss
- Ron Stephens, rhp
- Johnny Ruffin, rhp
- Roberto Hernandez, rhp
- Bob Wickman, rhp
- Norberto Martin, 2b/ss
- Wilson Alvarez, lhp
- Cesar Bernhardt, 2b
- Jeff Carter, rhp
- Greg Perschke, rhp
- Jose Ventura, rhp
- Ramon Garcia, rhp
- Roberto Hernandez, rhp
- Mike Robertson, 1b
- Johnny Ruffin, rhp
- Brandon Wilson, ss
- Rod Bolton, rhp
- Scott Ruffcorn, rhp
- Bob Wickman, rhp
- Scott Cepicky, 1b
- Greg Perschke, rhp
- Derek Lee, of
- Jason Bere, rhp
- James Baldwin, rhp
- Scott Ruffcorn, rhp
- Larry Thomas, lhp
- Steve Olsen, rhp
- Johnny Ruffin, rhp
- Chris Snopek, 3b
- Mike Robertson, 1b
- Rod Bolton, rhp
- Brandon Wilson, ss
- James Baldwin, rhp
- Scott Ruffcorn, rhp
- Robert Ellis, rhp
- Scott Christman, lhp
- Jimmy Hurst, of
- Eddie Pearson, 1b
- Ray Durham, 2b
- Chris Snopek, 3b
- Brian Boehringer, rhp
- Steve Schrenk, rhp
- Scott Ruffcorn, rhp
- James Baldwin, rhp
- Ray Durham, 2b
- Jimmy Hurst, of
- Chris Snopek, 3b
- Jeff Abbott, of
- Scott Christman, lhp
- Eddie Pearson, 1b
- Carlos Castillo, rhp
- Greg Norton, 3b
- Chris Snopek, 3b/ss
- Jeff Abbott, of
- Scott Ruffcorn, rhp
- James Baldwin, rhp
- Jeff Liefer, 3b
- Mike Cameron, of
- Jimmy Hurst, of
- Luis Andujar, rhp
- McKay Christensen, of
- Greg Norton, 3b
- Mike Cameron, of
- Jeff Abbott, of
- Jeff Liefer, 3b/of
- Greg Norton, ss
- Chris Clemons, rhp
- Josh Paul, c
- Brian Simmons, of
- Mario Valdez, 1b
- Tom Fordham, lhp
- Carlos Lee, 3b
- Mike Caruso, ss
- Carlos Lee, 3b
- Magglio Ordonez, of
- Lorenzo Barcelo, rhp
- Jim Parque, lhp
- Jason Dellero, ss
- Brian Simmons, of
- Jeff Abbott, of
- Jason Lakman, rhp
- Mark Johnson, of
- Carlos Lee, 3b
- Joe Crede, 3b
- Aaron Myette, rhp
- Mark Johnson, c
- Brian Simmons, of
- Kevin Beirne, rhp
- Jeff Liefer, of/1b
- Jon Garland, rhp
- Pat Daneker, rhp
- David Lundquist, rhp
- Kip Wells, rhp
- Jon Garland, rhp
- Aaron Myette, rhp
- Joe Crede, 3b
- Jason Stumm, rhp
- Aaron Rowand, of
- Matt Ginter, rhp
- Dan Wright, rhp
- Lorenzo Barcelo, rhp
- Mark Buehrle, lhp
Cincinnati Reds
- Gary Redus, of
- Nick Esasky, 3b
- Fred Toliver, rhp
- Eric Davis, of
- Ron Robinson, rhp
- Brad Lesley, rhp
- Danny Tartabull, 2b
- Jeff Jones, of
- Jeff Russell, rhp
- Kal Daniels, of
- Kurt Stillwell, ss
- Eric Davis, of
- Curt Heidenreich, rhp
- Chris Sabo, 3b
- Jeff Russell, rhp
- Paul O’Neill, of
- Tom Browning, lhp
- Lenny Harris, 3b
- Jeff Montgomery, rhp
- Hugh Kemp, rhp
- Kurt Stillwell, ss
- Kal Daniels, of
- Bill Hawley, rhp
- Scott Terry, rhp
- Paul O’Neill, of
- Tom Browning, lhp
- Jeff Montgomery, rhp
- Mark Berry, c
- Mike Smith, rhp
- Terry McGriff, c
- Kurt Stillwell, ss
- Kal Daniels, of
- Joe Oliver, c
- Paul O’Neill, of
- Mike Smith, rhp
- Mike Konderla, rhp
- Tracy Jones, of
- Barry Larkin, ss
- Pat Pacillo, rhp
- Lenny Harris, 3b
- Pat Pacillo, rhp
- Norm Charlton, lhp
- C.J. Jones, of
- Marty Brown, rhp
- Joe Oliver, c
- Scott Scudder, rhp
- Mike Smith, rhp
- Mark Berry, c
- Jeff Gray, rhp
- Terry McGriff, c
- Jack Armstrong, rhp
- Pat Pacillo, rhp
- Scott Scudder, rhp
- Norm Charlton, lhp
- Joe Oliver, c
- Jeff Treadway, 2b
- Mike Roesler, rhp
- Keith Brown, rhp
- Gino Minutelli, lhp
- Rob Lopez, rhp
- Scott Scudder, rhp
- Jack Armstrong, rhp
- Lenny Harris, 3b/2b
- Reggie Jefferson, 1b
- Chris Hammond, lhp
- Ed Taubensee, c
- Keith Kaiser, rhp
- Fred Benavides, ss
- Butch Henry, lhp
- Keith Brown, rhp
- Reggie Jefferson, 1b
- Brian Lane, 3b
- Jeff Branson, 2b
- Reggie Sanders, ss
- Fred Benavides, ss
- Glenn Sutko, c
- Scott Bryant, of
- Rosario Rodriguez, lhp
- Chris Hammond, lhp
- Hal Morris, 1b
- Reggie Sanders, of
- Chris Hammond, lhp
- Reggie Jefferson, 1b
- Dan Wilson, c
- Freddie Benavides, ss
- John Roper, rhp
- Brian Lane, 3b
- Terry Lee, 1b
- Chris Jones, of
- Gino Minutelli, lhp
- Reggie Sanders, of
- Dan Wilson, c
- John Roper, rhp
- Pokey Reese, ss
- Mo Sanford, rhp
- Tim Costo, 3b
- Willie Greene, 3b
- Trevor Hoffman, rhp
- Brian Koelling, ss
- Kevin Tatar, rhp
- Willie Greene, 3b
- John Roper, rhp
- Chad Mottola, of
- Pokey Reese, ss
- Dan Wilson, c
- Steve Gibralter, of
- Tim Costo, 1b
- Tim Pugh, rhp
- Bobby Ayala, rhp
- Brian Koelling, ss
- Pokey Reese, ss
- Chad Mottola, of
- Johnny Ruffin, rhp
- Cleveland Ladell, of
- Tim Belk, 1b
- Brian Koelling, 2b
- Mary Lister, lhp
- Paul Bako, c
- Scott Sullivan, rhp
- Mike Ferry, rhp
- Pokey Reese, ss
- Pat Watkins, of
- C.J. Nitkowski, lhp
- Kevin Jarvis, rhp
- Scott Sullivan, rhp
- Chat Mottola, of
- Aaron Boone, 3b
- Decomba Conner, of
- Tim Belk, 1b
- Steve Gibralter, of
- Pokey Reese, ss
- Steve Gibralter, of
- Eric Owens, 2b/3b
- Pat Watkins, of
- Brett Tomko, rhp
- Aaron Boone, 3b
- Chad Mottola, of
- Decomba Conner, of
- Tim Belk, 1b
- Chad Fox, rhp
- Brett Tomko, rhp
- Aaron Boone, 3b
- Pokey Reese, ss
- Curt Lyons, rhp
- Chad Mottola, of
- Paul Bako, c
- Justin Towle, c
- Scott Sullivan, rhp
- Jeremy Skeens, of
- Darron Ingram, 1b/of
- Damian Jackson, ss/2b
- Jim Crowell, lhp
- Aaron Boone, 3b
- DeWayne Wise, of
- Scott Winchester, rhp
- Travis Dawkins, ss
- Pat Watkins, of
- Buddy Carlyle, rhp
- Brandon Larson, 3b
- Jason LaRue, c
- Rob Bell, rhp
- Austin Kearns, of
- Scott Williamson, rhp
- Jason LaRue, c
- Damian Jackson, ss
- Adam Dunn, of
- Travis Dawkins, ss
- Mike Frank, of
- Pedro Minaya, rhp
- Jacobo Sequea, rhp
- Travis Dawkins, ss
- Adam Dunn, of
- Rob Bell, rhp
- Ty Howington, lhp
- Ben Broussard, of
- Austin Kearns, of
- Jason LaRue, c
- Antonio Perez, 2b/ss
- Alejandro Diaz, of
- Brandon Larson, 3b
Cleveland Indians
- Neal Heaton, lhp
- Bud Anderson, rhp
- Julio Franco, ss
- Jay Baller, rhp
- Carmen Castillo, of
- Jim Wilson, 1b
- Dwight Taylor, of
- Kevin Rhomberg, 2b
- Leroy Purdy, rhp
- Shanie Dugas 2b
- Jerry Willard, c
- Brook Jacoby, 3b
- Dwight Taylor, of
- Jim Wilson, 1b
- Otis Nixon, of
- Junior Noboa, 2b
- Jeff Barkley, rhp
- Ben Piphus, rhp
- Randy Washington, of
- Dave Clark, of
- Cory Snyder, 3b
- Jose Roman, rhp
- Jim Wilson, 1b
- Butch Garcia, c
- Dave Clark, of
- Jeff Barkley, rhp
- Cal Santarelli, rhp
- Andy Allanson, c
- Junior Noboa, 2b
- John Farrell, rhp
- Cory Snyder, 3b
- Jay Bell, ss
- Mike Poehl, rhp
- Scott Bailes, lhp
- Dave Clark, of
- Andy Allanson, c
- Luis Encarnacion, rhp
- Bernardo Brito, of
- Jim Wilson, 1b
- Andy Ghelfi, rhp
- Jay Bell, ss
- Joe Skalski, rhp
- Mike Murphy, rhp
- Dave Clark, of
- Eddie Williams, 3b
- Don Lovell, 1b
- Luis Medina, 1b
- Tommy Hinzo, 2b
- Mike Poehl, rhp
- Jeff Shaw, rhp, and Rudy Seanez, rhp (tie)
- Mike Poehl, rhp
- Jay Bell, ss
- Eddie Williams, 3b
- Dave Clark, of
- Jeff Shaw, rhp
- Joey Belle, of
- Mike Walker, rhp
- Carl Kelipuleole, rhp
- Todd Pratt, c
- Kevin Wickander, lhp
- Mark Lewis, ss
- Mike Walker, rhp
- Joey Belle, of
- Kevin Wickander, lhp
- Joe Skalski, rhp
- Jeff Shaw, rhp
- Luis Medina, 1b
- Carl Kelipuleole, rhp
- Jeff Mutis, lhp
- Pork Chop Pough, ss
- Sandy Alomar, c
- Mark Lewis, ss
- Kevin Bearse, lhp
- Charles Nagy, rhp
- Carlos Baerga, 3b
- Rudy Seanez, rhp
- Steve Olin, rhp
- Beau Allred, of
- Jeff Shaw, rhp
- Kevin Wickander, lhp
- Mark Lewis, ss
- Tim Costo, 1b
- Charles Nagy, rhp
- Jim Thome, 3b
- Turner Ward, of
- Beau Allred, of
- Bruce Egloff, rhp
- Ty Kovach, rhp
- Jerry Dipoto, rhp
- Oscar Munoz, rhp
- Kenny Lofton, of
- Reggie Jefferson, 1b
- Manny Ramirez, of
- Jim Thome, 3b
- Jerry Dipoto, rhp
- Paul Byrd, rhp
- Dave Mlicki, rhp
- John Cotton, 2b
- Tracy Sanders, of
- Alan Embree, lhp
- Manny Ramirez, of
- Alan Embree, lhp
- Paul Shuey, rhp
- Chad Ogea, rhp
- Paul Byrd, rhp
- Dave Mlicki, rhp
- Albie Lopez, rhp
- Mike Matthews, lhp
- Tracy Sanders, of
- Tony Mitchell, of
- Manny Ramirez, of
- Julian Tavarez, rhp
- Albie Lopez, rhp
- John Carter, rhp
- Chad Ogea, rhp
- Daron Kirkreit, rhp
- Casey Whitten, lhp
- Paul Shuey, HRP
- Herbert Perry, 1b
- Omar Ramirez, of
- Jaret Wright, rhp
- Paul Shuey, rhp
- Julian Tavarez, rhp
- Herbert Perry, 1b
- David Bell, 3b
- Daron Kirkreit, rhp
- Enrique Wilson, ss
- Damian Jackson, ss
- Alan Embree, lhp
- John Carter, rhp
- Bartolo Colon, rhp
- Jaret Wright, rhp
- Alan Embree, lhp
- Richie Sexson, 1b
- Danny Graves, rhp
- Enrique Wilson, ss
- Paul Shuey, rhp
- Russell Branyan, 3b
- David Miler, 1b/of
- Damian Jackson, ss
- Jaret Wright, rhp
- Bartolo Colon, rhp
- Willie Martinez, rhp
- Russell Branyan, 3b
- Enrique Wilson, 2b
- Richie Sexson, 1b
- Danny Graves, rhp
- Sean Casey, 1b
- Einar Diaz, c
- Damian Jackson, ss
- Sean Casey, 1b
- Russell Branyan, 3b
- Tim Drew, rhp
- Willie Martinez, rhp
- Enrique Wilson, 2b
- Richie Sexson, of
- Danny Peoples, of
- Alberto Garza, rhp
- Jason Rakers, rhp
- Jamie Brown, rhp
- Russell Branyan, 3b
- C.C. Sabathia, lhp
- Alex Ramirez, of
- Willie Martinez, rhp
- Enrique Wilson, 2b/ss
- Jamie Brown, rhp
- Tim Drew, rhp
- Danny Peoples, of
- J.D. Brammer, rhp
- Mike Bacsik, lhp
- C.C. Sabathia, lhp
- Danys Baez, rhp
- Russell Branyan, 3b
- Tim Drew, rhp
- Scott Morgan, of
- Sean DePaula, rhp
- Jamie Brown, rhp
- Robert Pugmire, rhp
- Maicer Isturiz, ss
- Willie Martinez, rhp
Colorado Rockies
- David Nied, rhp
- Mark Thompson, rhp
- Roberto Mejia, 2b
- Jason Hutchins, rhp
- John Burke, rhp
- Roger Bailey, rhp
- Ryan Hawblitzel, rhp
- Garvin Alston, rhp
- Jason Bates, ss
- Pedro Castellano, 3b
- John Burke, rhp
- Mark Thompson, rhp
- Neifi Perez, ss
- Jamey Wright, rhp
- Joel Moore, rhp
- Marcus Moore, rhp
- Tom Schmidt, 3b
- Mike Zolecki, rhp
- Doug Walls, rhp
- Jason Johnson, rhp
- Doug Million, lhp
- Juan Acevedo, rhp
- Mark Thompson, rhp
- Derrick Gibson, of
- John Burke, rhp
- Neifi Perez, ss
- John Thompson, rhp
- Jamey Wright, rhp
- Bran Rekar, rhp
- Ivan Arteaga, rhp
- Derrick Gibson, of
- Jamey Wright, rhp
- Todd Helton, 1b
- Neifi Perez, ss
- Doug Million, lhp
- Ben Petrick, c
- Edgard Velazquez, of
- John Burke, rhp
- Mike Kusiewicz, lhp
- Quinton McCracken, of
- Todd Helton, 1b
- Neifi Perez, ss
- Ben Petrick, c
- Jake Westbrook, rhp
- Derrick Gibson, of
- Edgard Velazquez, of
- Shawn Chacon, rhp
- Doug Million, lhp
- John Thomson, rhp
- Mike Kusiewicz
- Todd Helton, 1b
- Shawn Chacon, rhp
- Ben Petrick, c
- Lariel Gonzalez, rhp
- Derrick Gibson, of
- Edgard Velazquez, of
- Josh Kalinowski, lhp
- Ryan Price, rhp
- Jose Nunez, 2b
- Mark Mangum, rhp
- Choo Freeman, of
- Derrick Gibson, of
- Jermaine Van Buren, rhp
- Matt Holliday, 3b
- Ben Petrick, c
- Juan Uribe, ss
- Scott Randall, rhp
- Josh Kalinowski, lhp
- Lariel Gonzalez, rhp
- Shawn Chacon, rhp
- Choo Freeman, of
- Ben Petrick, c
- Jason Jennings, rhp
- Josh Kalinowski, lhp
- Juan Pierre, of
- Juan Uribe, ss
- Craig House, rhp
- Chin-Hui Tsao, rhp
- Derrick Gibson, of
- Brent Butler, 2b
Detroit Tigers
- Mike Laga, 1b
- Nelson Simmons, of
- Bob Melvin, c
- Charlie Nail, rhp
- Dave Gumpert, rhp
- Richard Monteleone, rhp
- Randy O’Neal, rhp
- Barbaro Garbey, of
- Bryan Kelly, rhp
- Chuck Cary, lhp
- Scotty Earl, 2b
- Richard Monteleone, rhp
- Wayne Dotson, rhp
- Nelson Simmons, of
- Barbaro Garbey, of
- Roger Mason, rhp
- Pedro Chavez, ss
- Mike Laga, 1b
- Don Heinkel, rhp
- Bryan Kelly, rhp
- Richard Monteleone, rhp
- Scotty Earl, 2b
- Roger Mason, rhp
- Nelson Simmons, of
- Pedro Chavez, ss
- Rob Souza, rhp
- Randy O’Neal, rhp
- Doug Baker, ss
- Mike Henneman, rhp
- Jerry Mack, 2b
- Chuck Cary, lhp
- Richard Carter, rhp
- Scott Lusader, of
- Mark Lee, lhp
- Eric King, rhp
- Bryan Kelly, rhp
- Matt Nokes, c
- Wayne Dotson, rhp
- John Smoltz, rhp
- Jeff Hermann, 1b
- Rey Palacios, c
- John Smoltz, rhp
- Steve Searcy, lhp
- Scott Aldred, lhp
- Scott Lusader, of
- Randy Nosek, rhp
- Billy Bean, of
- Mike Henneman, rhp
- Phil Clark, c
- Morris Madden, lhp
- Phil Clark, c
- Steve Pegues, of
- Richard Carter, rhp
- Rey Palacios, c
- Milt Cuyler, of
- Scott Aldred, lhp
- Rob Richie, of
- Scott Lusader, of
- Travis Fryman, ss
- Billy Bean, of
- Phil Clark, c
- Steve Searcy, lhp
- Rob Richie, of
- Milt Cuyler, of
- Scott Aldred, lhp
- Rico Brogna, 1b
- Shawn Holman, rhp
- Scott Livingstone, 3b
- Torey Lovullo, 2b
- Travis Fryman, ss
- Rico Brogna, 1b
- Travis Fryman, ss
- Scott Aldred, lhp
- Steve Pegues, of
- Milt Cuyler, of
- Brian DuBois, lhp
- Phil Clark, c
- Eric Stone, rhp
- Rob Richie, of
- Dave Richards, lhp
- Rico Brogna, 1b
- John DeSilva, rhp
- Milt Cuyler, of
- Scott Aldred, lhp
- Ivan Cruz, 1b
- Greg Gohr, rhp
- Dave Richards, lhp
- Tony Clark, of
- Eric Stone, rhp
- Rusty Meacham, rhp
- Greg Gohr, rhp
- Justin Thompson, lhp
- Rico Brogna, 1b
- Scott Livingstone, 3b
- Tarrik Brock, of
- Steve Pegues, of
- John DeSilva, rhp
- Riccardo Ingram, of
- Ivan Cruz, 1b
- Joe Perona, c
- Greg Gohr, rhp
- Rico Brogna, 1b
- Justin Thompson, lhp
- Sean Bergman, rhp
- Ivan Cruz, 1b
- Rick Greene, rhp
- Ben Blomdahl, rhp
- Ken Carlyle, rhp
- Chris Gomez, ss
- Daniel Bautista, of
- Justin Thompson, lhp
- Danny Bautista, of
- Tony Clark, 1b
- Matt Brunson, ss
- Rick Greene, rhp
- Brian Edmondson, rhp
- Dave Mysel, rhp
- Yuri Sanchez, ss
- Chris Gomez, ss/2b
- Jose Lima, rhp
- Tony Clark, 1b
- Matt Brunson, ss
- Cade Gaspar, rhp
- Bob Higginson, of
- Jose Lima, rhp
- Keith Smith, ss
- Cameron Smith, rhp
- Justin Thompson, lhp
- Jason Bass, of
- Sean Whiteside, lhp
- Mike Drumright, rhp
- Justin Thompson, lhp
- Tony Clark, 1b
- Cam Smith, rhp
- Juan Encarnacion, of
- Cade Gaspar, rhp
- Mike Darr, of
- Luis Garcia, ss/2b
- Greg Whiteman, lhp
- Trever Miller, lhp
- Mike Drumright, rhp
- Seth Greisenger, rhp
- Raul Casanova, c
- Willis Roberts, rhp
- Juan Encarnacion, of
- Matt Drews, rhp
- Dave Borkowski, rhp
- Bubba Trammell, of
- Richard Almanzar, 2b
- Daryle Ward, 1b
- Juan Encarnacion, of
- Francisco Cordero, rhp
- Matt Anderson, rhp
- Shane Loux, rhp
- Seth Greisinger, rhp
- Gabe Alvarez, 3b
- Dave Borkowski, rhp
- Mike Drumright, rhp
- Roberto Duran, lhp
- Brian Powell, rhp
- Gabe Kapler, of
- Jeff Weaver, rhp
- Francisco Cordero, rhp
- Nate Cornejo, rhp
- Robert Fick, c/dh
- Alan Webb, lhp
- Shane Loux, rhp
- Brandon Inge, c
- Dave Borkowski, rhp
- Carlos Villalobos, 3b
- Eric Munson, 1b/c
- Ramon Santiago, ss
- Robert Fick, c/dh
- Neil Jenkins, 3b
- Brandon Inge, c
- Nate Cornejo, rhp
- Adam Pettyjohn, lhp
- Javier Cardona, c
- Chris Wakeland, of
- Shane Loux, rhp
Houston Astros
- Billy Doran, 2b
- Ruben Robles, of
- Glenn Davis, 1b
- Wes Clements, 1b
- Tim Tolman, of/1b
- Mark Ross, rhp
- Zac Paris, rhp
- Eric Bullock, of
- John Mizerock, c
- Julio Solano, rhp
- Mike Friedrich, rhp
- Charlie Kerfeld, rhp
- Jeff Heathcock, rhp
- Eric Bullock, of
- Robbie Wine, c
- Julio Solano, rhp
- Glenn Davis, 1b
- Louie Meadows, of
- Ruben Robles, of
- Wes Clements, 1b
- Charlie Kerfeld, rhp
- Mike Friedrich, rhp
- Jeff Heathcock, rhp
- Glenn Davis, 1b
- Robbie Wine, c
- Ty Gainey, of
- Nelson Rood, ss
- Chuck Jackson, of
- Louie Meadows, of
- Eric Bullock, of
- Rob Mallicoat, lhp
- Charlie Kerfeld, rhp
- Cameron Drew, of
- Ty Gainey, of
- Ken Caminiti, 3b
- Mike Friedrich, rhp
- Chuck Jackson, of/3b/ss
- Don August, rhp
- Randy Randle, ss
- Robbie Wine, c
- Cameron Drew, of
- Gerald Young, of
- Rob Mallicoat, lhp
- Blaise Ilsley, lhp
- Ken Caminiti, 3b
- Chuck Jackson, 3b
- Ryan Bowen, rhp
- Tom Funk, lhp
- Rich Johnson, 1b
- Anthony Kelly, rhp
- Craig Biggio, c
- Ryan Bowen, rhp
- Cameron Drew, of
- Rob Mallicoat, lhp
- Jose Cano, rhp
- Blaise Ilsley, lhp
- Bert Hunter, rhp
- Sam August, rhp
- Brian Meyer, rhp
- Ramon Cedeno, of
- Cameron Drew, of
- Eric Anthony, of
- Brian Meyer, rhp
- Karl Rhodes, of
- Fred Costello, rhp
- Scott Servais, c
- Sam August, rhp
- Luis Gonzalez, 3b
- Mike Simms, 1b
- Raul Eusebio, c
- Eric Anthony, of
- Darryl Kile, rhp
- Andujar Cedeno, ss
- Willie Ansley, of
- Ryan Bowen, rhp
- Scott Servais, c
- Mike Simms, 1b
- Karl Rhodes, of
- Jeff Juden, rhp
- Dave Silvestri, ss
- Andujar Cedeno, ss
- Jeff Bagwell, 3b
- Darryl Kile, rhp
- Kenny Lofton, of
- Willie Ansley, of
- Jeff Juden, rhp
- Ryan Bowen, rhp
- Luis Gonzalez, 1b/of
- Randy Hennis, rhp
- Al Osuna, lhp
- Brian Williams, rhp
- Jeff Juden, rhp
- Tom Nevers, ss
- Chris Gardner, rhp
- Orlando Miller, ss
- Shane Reynolds, rhp
- Todd Jones, rhp
- Willie Ansley, of
- Jermaine Swinton, of
- Robert Petagine, 1b
- Todd Jones, rhp
- Phil Nevin, 3b
- Brian Hunter, of
- Bob Abreu, of
- Alvin Morman, lhp
- Jeff Juden, rhp
- Orlando Miller, ss
- James Mouton, 2b
- Gary Mota, of
- Chris Hatcher, of
- Phil Nevin, 3b
- Orlando Miller, ss
- Billy Wagner, lhp
- Brian Hunter, of
- Al Morman, lhp
- James Mouton, 2b
- Kevin Gallaher, rhp
- Roberto Petagine, 1b
- Oscar Henriquez, rhp
- Domingo Jean, rhp
- Brian Hunter, of
- Billy Wagner, lhp
- Richard Hidalgo, of
- Orlando Miller, ss
- Bob Abreu, of
- Scott Elarton, rhp
- Phil Nevin, 3b
- Kevin Gallaher, rhp
- Rich Huisman, rhp
- Ramon Castro, c
- Billy Wagner, lhp
- Richard Hidalgo, of
- Bob Abreu, of
- Carlos Guillen, ss
- Scott Elarton, rhp
- Ramon Castro, c
- Chris Holt, rhp
- Bryant Nelson, inf/of
- Russ Johnson, ss
- Oscar Henriquez, rhp
- Richard Hidalgo, of
- Carlos Guillen, ss
- Bob Abreu, of
- Russ Johnson, ss
- Oscar Henriquez, rhp
- Chris Holt, rhp
- Jhonny Perez, ss
- Scott Elarton, rhp
- Daryle Ward, 1b
- Mark Johnson, rhp
- Richard Hidalgo, of
- Scott Elarton, rhp
- Wade Miller, rhp
- Lance Berkman, of
- Daryle Ward, 1b
- Freddy Garcia, rhp
- Carlos Guillen, ss
- John Halama, lhp
- Ramon Castro, c
- Mark Johnson, rhp
- Lance Berkman, of
- Mitch Meluskey, c
- Wade Miller, rhp
- Wilfredo Rodriguez, lhp
- Darryle Ward, 1b
- Chris Truby, 3b
- Julio Lugo, ss
- Carlos Hernandez, ss/2b
- Roy Oswalt, rhp
- Mike Nannini, rhp
- Wilfredo Rodriguez, lhp
- Lance Berkman, of
- Wade Miller, rhp
- Mitch Meluskey, c
- Tony McKnight, rhp
- Julio Lugo, ss
- Aaron McNeal, 1b
- Mike Nannini, rhp
- Carlos Hernandez, lhp
- Tim Redding, rhp
Kansas City Royals
- Don Slaught, c
- Buddy Biancalana, ss
- Mike Brewer, of
- Danny Jackson, lhp
- Mark Gubicza, rhp
- David Cone, rhp
- Tony Ferreira, lhp
- Bob Tufts, lhp
- Mark Ryal, of
- David Leeper, of
- John Morris, of
- Bret Saberhagen, rhp
- Danny Jackson, lhp
- Butch Davis, of
- Mark Gubicza, rhp
- Van Snider, of
- Tony Ferreira, lhp
- Frank Wills, rhp
- Ed Allen of
- Mike Brewer, of
- John Morris, of
- Van Snider, of
- Scott Bankhead, rhp
- Luis delos Santos, 3b
- Ed Allen, of
- Tony Ferreira, lhp
- Joe Jarrell, ss
- Jose Nunez, rhp
- David Cone, rhp
- Gary Thurman, of
- Julio Alcala, 2b
- Mike Macfarlane, c
- David Cone, rhp
- Scott Bankhead, rhp
- Tony Ferreira, lhp
- Van Snider, of
- Ricky Rojas, rhp
- Chris Jelic, c
- Gary Thurman, of
- Luis delos Santos, 3b
- Bo Jackson, of
- Julio Alcala, 2b
- Gary Thurman, of
- Mike Macfarlane, c
- Sean Berry, 3b
- Van Snider, of
- Chito Martinez, of
- Carlos Escalera, c
- Luis delos Santos, 3b
- Brian McRae, of, and Anthony Clements, ss (tie)
- Gary Thurman, of
- Kevin Appier, rhp
- Tom Gordon, rhp
- Kevin Shaw, rhp
- Francisco Laureano, 2b
- Mike Macfarlane, c
- Bobby Moore, of
- Jim Campbell, lhp
- Julio Alcala, 2b
- Van Snider, of
- Tom Gordon, rhp
- Kevin Appier, rhp
- Bob Hamelin, 1b
- Hugh Walker, of
- Jose DeJesus, rhp
- Luis delos Santos, 1b
- Aquedo Vasquez, rhp
- Kevin Shaw, rhp
- Terry Shumpert, 2b
- Victor Cole, rhp
- Bob Hamelin, 1b
- Kevin Appier, rhp
- Hugh Walker, of
- Hipolito Pichardo, rhp
- Harvey Pulliam, of
- Terry Shumpert, 2b
- Brian McRae, of
- Jeff Conine, 1b
- Brent Mayne, c
- Kerwin Moore, of
- Jeff Conine, 1b
- Brent Mayne, c
- Kerwin Moore, of
- Hugh Walker, of
- Harvey Pulliam, of
- Bob Hamelin, 1b
- Phil Hiatt, 3b
- Joel Johnston, rhp
- Carlos Maldonado, rhp
- Hector Wagner, rhp
- Joel Johnston, rhp
- Darren Burton, of
- Doug Harris, rhp
- Joe Vitiello, 1b/of
- Phil Hiatt, 3b
- Gary Caraballo, 3b
- Lance Jennings, c
- Ryan Long, 3b
- Kerwin Moore, of
- Tom Smith, of
- Johnny Damon, of
- Jim Pittsley, rhp
- Michael Tucker, 2b/of
- Joe Vitiello, of
- Phil Hiatt, 3b
- Brian Bevil, rhp
- Darren Burton, of
- Joe Randa, 3b
- Danny Miceli, rhp
- Chris Eddy, lhp
- Jeff Granger, lhp
- Michael Tucker, 2b
- Johnny Damon, of
- Jim Pittsley, rhp
- Bob Hamelin, 1b
- Joe Randa, 3b
- Darren Buton, of
- Joe Vitiello, 1b
- Oscar Jimenez, of
- Felix Martinez, ss
- Johnny Damon, of
- Michael Tucker, of
- Jim Pittsley, rhp
- Sergio Nunez, 2b
- Joe Vitiello, 1b
- Jeff Granger, lhp
- Felix Martinez, ss
- Ken Ray, rhp
- Matt Smith, 1b
- Joe Randa, 3b
- Jim Pittsley, rhp
- Joe Vitiello, 1b
- Glendon Rusch, lhp
- Carlos Beltran, of
- Felix Martinez, ss
- Mike Sweeney, c
- Sal Fasano, c
- Gary Coffee, 1b
- Jaime Bluma, rhp
- Jeff Martin, rhp
- Jim Pittsley, rhp
- Carlos Beltran, of
- Glendon Rusch, lhp
- Jaime Bluma, rhp
- Roderick Myers, of
- Felix Martinez, ss
- Jed Hansen, 2b
- Mendy Lopez, 3b
- Dermal Brown, of
- Juan LeBron, of
- Dermal Brown, of
- Dan Reichert, rhp
- Goefrey Tomlinson, of
- Jeremy Giambi, of
- Carlos Beltran, of
- Enrique Calero, rhp
- Carlos Febles, 2b
- Felix Martinez, ss
- Juan LeBron, of
- Jed Hansen, 2b
- Carlos Beltran, of
- Carlos Febles, 2b
- Orber Moreno, rhp
- Dermal Brown, of
- Jeremy Giambi, of
- Dan Reichert, rhp
- Paul Phillips, c
- Juan LeBron, of
- Chris George, lhp
- Chad Durbin, rhp
- Dee Brown, of
- Chris George, lhp
- Kyle Snyder, rhp
- Dan Reichert, rhp
- Orber Moreno, rhp
- Chad Durbin, rhp
- Jeff Austin, rhp
- Junior Guerrero, rhp
- Mark Quinn, of
- Brian Sanches, rhp
Los Angeles Angels
- Dick Schofield, ss
- Gary Pettis, of
- Daryl Sconiers, 1b
- Bob Kipper, lhp
- Ron Romanick, rhp
- Gus Polidor, ss
- Ricky Adams, 2b/ss
- Kirk McCaskill, rhp
- Pat Keedy, 3b/of
- Norm Carrasco, 2b
- Dick Schofield, ss
- Gary Pettis, of
- Bob Kipper, lhp
- Sap Randall, rhp
- Mike Brown, of
- Curt Kaufman, rhp
- Ron Romanick, rhp
- Devon White, of
- Dave Heath, c
- Julian Gonzalez, rhp
- Bob Kipper, lhp
- Wally Joyner, 1b
- Erik Pappas, c
- Rafael Lugo, rhp
- Mark Doran, of
- Jack Howell, 3b
- Devon White, of
- Julian Gonzalez, rhp
- Kirk McCaskill, rhp
- Mark McLemore, 2b
- Devon White, of
- Jack Howell, 3b
- Wally Joyner, 1b
- Gus Polidor, ss
- Todd Eggertsen, rhp
- Urbano Lugo, rhp
- Mark McLemore, 2b
- Ray Chadwick, rhp
- Erik Pappas, c
- Bryan Harvey, rhp
- Devon White, of
- Mark McLemore, 2b
- Willie Fraser, rhp
- Mike Cook, rhp
- Lee Stevens, of
- Mike Fetters, rhp
- Dante Bichette, 3b
- Dave Martinez, rhp
- Bill Vanderwel, rhp
- Terry Carr, of
- Mike Fetters, rhp
- Lee Stevens, 1b
- John Orton, c
- Dante Bichette, of
- Bryan Harvey, rhp
- Mike Erb, rhp
- Mike Cook, rhp
- Roberto Hernandez, rhp
- Bill Vanderwel, rhp
- Todd Eggertsen, rhp
- Mike Fetters, rhp
- Lee Stevens, of
- Jim Abbott, lhp
- Dante Bichette, of
- Roberto Hernandez, rhp
- Colin Charland, lhp
- Chris Graves, of
- Mike Erb, rhp
- John Orton, c
- Cesar de la Rosa, ss
- John Orton, c
- Kyle Abbott, lhp
- Joe Grahe, rhp
- Marcus Moore, rhp
- Mike Fetters, rhp
- Tim Salmon, of
- Lee Stevens, 1b/of
- Glenn Carter, rhp
- Gary DiSarcina, ss
- Bobby Rose, 3b
- Tim Salmon, of
- Kyle Abbott, lhp
- Damion Easley, ss
- Hilly Hathaway, lhp
- Scott Lewis, rhp
- Lee Stevens, 1b
- Mark Holzemer, lhp
- Joe Grahe, rhp
- Kevin Flora, 2b
- Glenn Carter, rhp
- Troy Percival, rhp
- Tim Salmon, of
- Eduardo Perez, 3b/of
- Jorge Fabregas, c
- Garret Anderson, of
- Kevin Flora, 2b
- J.R. Phillips, 1b
- Damion Easley, ss
- Chad Curtis, of
- Clifton Garrett, of
- Tim Salmon, of
- Troy Percival, rhp
- Ron Watson, rhp
- Eduardo Perez, 3b
- Russ Springer, rhp
- J.T. Snow, 1b
- Hilly Hathaway, lhp
- Pete Janicki, rhp
- Kevin Flora, 2b
- DeShawn Warren, lhp
- Brian Anderson, lhp
- Garret Anderson, of
- Andrew Lorraine, lhp
- DeShawn Warren, lhp
- Kevin Flora, 2b
- Ryan Hancock, rhp
- Chris Smith, 3b
- Chris Turner, c
- Jim Edmonds, of
- Marquis Riley, of
- Andrew Lorraine, lhp
- Garret Anderson, of
- Troy Percival, rhp
- McKay Christensen, of
- Todd Greene, c
- Marquis Riley, of
- Ryan Hancock, rhp
- Bill Simas, rhp
- Jeff Schmidt, rhp
- Kevin Flora, 2b-of
- Darin Erstad, of
- Todd Greene, c
- Jarrod Washburn, lhp
- Norm Hutchins, of
- George Arias, 3b
- Jason Dickson, rhp
- Pete Janicki, rhp
- Marquis Riley, of
- Jeremy Blevins, rhp
- Danny Buxbaum, 1b
- Jarrod Washburn, lhp
- Todd Greene, c
- Jason Dickson, rhp
- Scott Schoeneweis, lhp
- Norm Hutchins, of
- Rich Stuart, of
- Matt Perisho, lhp
- Pet Janicki, rhp
- Ramon Ortiz, rhp
- Bret Hemphill, c
- Troy Glaus, 3b/ss
- Jarrod Washburn, lhp
- Ramon Ortiz, rhp
- Scott Schoeneweis, lhp
- Norm Hutchins, of
- Justin Baughman, ss
- Nelson Castro, ss
- Rich Stuart, of
- Greg Jones, rhp
- Brian Cooper, rhp
- Ramon Ortiz, rhp
- Scott Schoeneweis, lhp
- Mark Harriger, rhp
- Elpidio Guzman, of
- Jason Dewey, c
- Seth Etherton, rhp
- Keith Luuloa, inf
- Norm Hutchins, of
- Bienvenido Encarnacion, ss
- Darren Blakely, of
- Ramon Ortiz, rhp
- Francisco Rodriguez, rhp
- Seth Etherton, rhp
- Derrick Turnbow, rhp
- Nathan Hayes, of
- Elpidio Guzman, of
- Mike Colangelo, of
- Brian Cooper, rhp
- Jeff DaVanon, of
- Alfredo Amezaga, 2b/ss
Los Angeles Dodgers
- Greg Brock, 1b
- Dave Anderson, ss
- Sid Fernandez, lhp
- Cecil Espy, of
- Gil Reyees, c
- Franklin Stubbs, 1b
- Mark Bradley, of
- Ed Amelung, of
- Candy Maldonado, of
- Ricky Wright, p
- Gilberto Reyes, c
- Jose Gonzalez, of
- Sid Fernandez, lhp
- Dave Anderson, ss
- Franklin Stubbs, 1b
- Vance Lovelace, lhp
- R.J. Reynolds, of
- Cecil Espy, of
- Lemmie Miller, of
- Mariano Duncan, 2b/of
- Gilberto Reyes, c
- Mariano Duncan, 2b
- Franklin Stubbs, 1b
- Ralph Bryant, of
- Dennis Powell, lhp
- Shawn Hillegas, rhp
- Jose Gonzalez, of
- Mike Ramsey, of
- Greg Mayberry, rhp
- Vance Lovelace, lhp
- Jose Gonzalez, of
- Grey Mayberry, rhp
- Jeff Hamilton, 3b
- Franklin Stubbs, 1b
- Shawn Hillegas, rhp
- Chris Gwynn, of
- Ralph Bryant, of
- Mike Watters, 2b
- Dennis Livingston, lhp
- Scott May, rhp
- Jose Gonzalez, of
- Jeff Hamilton, 3b
- Shawn Hillegas, rhp
- Greg Mayberry, rhp
- Mike Devereaux, of
- Chris Gwynn, of
- Mike Watters, 2b
- Ramon Martinez, rhp
- Ralph Bryant, of
- Manny Francois, 2b
- Ramon Martinez, rhp
- Dan Opperman, rhp
- Tim Belcher, rhp
- Shawn Hillegas, rhp
- Mike Devereaux, of
- Jose Tapia, rhp
- Juan Bell, ss
- Chris Gwynn, of
- Chris Nichting, rhp
- Jose Offerman, ss
- Ramon Martinez, rhp
- Jose Offerman, ss
- Dan Opperman, rhp
- Braulio Castillo, of
- Bill Bene, rhp
- Chrs Nichting, rhp
- Dave Hansen, 3b
- John Wetteland, rhp
- Eric Karros, 1b
- Mike James, rhp
- Kiki Jones, rhp
- Jose Offerman, ss
- Tom Goodwin, of
- Braulio Castillo, of
- Eric Karros, 1b
- Carlos Hernandez, c
- Jose Vizcaino, 2b
- Dave Hansen, 3b
- Dan Opperman, rhp
- Raul Mondesi, of
- Jose Offerman, ss
- Raul Mondesi, of
- Jamie McAndrew, rhp
- Henry Rodriguez, 1b/of
- Tom Goodwin, of
- Kiki Jones, rhp
- Dan Opperman, rhp
- Pedro Martinez, rhp
- Eric Karros, 1b
- Dave Hansen, 3b
- Pedro Martinez, rhp
- Raul Mondesi, of
- Carlos Hernandez, c
- Jamie McAndrew, rhp
- Billy Ashley, of
- Pedro Astacio, rhp
- Eric Karros, 1b
- Henry Rodriguez, 1b/of
- Greg Hansell, rhp
- Mike Piazza, c
- Mike Piazza, c
- Raul Mondesi, of
- Roger Cedeno, of
- Greg Hansell, rhp
- Pedro Martinez, rhp
- Todd Williams, rhp
- Billy Ashley, of
- Omar Daal, lhp
- Todd Hollandsworth, of
- Rick Gorecki, rhp
- Darren Dreifort, rhp
- Todd Hollandsworth, of
- Roger Cedeno, of
- Rick Gorecki, rhp
- Raul Mondesi, of
- Jose Parra, rhp
- Todd Williams, rhp
- Kym Ashworth, lhp
- Dwight Maness, of
- Michael Moore, of
- Todd Hollandsworth, of
- Antonio Osuna, rhp
- Chan Ho Park, rhp
- Roger Cedeno, of
- Paul Konerko, c
- Karim Garcia, of
- Rick Gorecki, rhp
- Greg Hansell, rhp
- Felix Rodriguez, rhp
- Kym Ashworth, lhp
- Karim Garcia, of
- Chan Ho Park, rhp
- Todd Hollandsworth, of
- Paul Konerko, 1b
- Wilton Guerrero, S
- Roger Cedeno, of
- David Yocum, lhp
- Onan Masaoka, lhp
- Felix Rodriguez, rhp
- Adam Riggs, 2b
- Paul Konerko, 3b/1b
- Karim Garcia, of
- Wilton Guerrero, 2b
- Adrian Beltre, 3b
- Kamian Rolls, 3b
- Onan Masaoka, lhp
- Ted Lilly, lhp
- Alex Cora, ss
- Adam Riggs, 2b
- Omar Moreno Jr., of
- Paul Konerko, 1b
- Adrian Beltre, 3b
- Mike Judd, rhp
- Dennis Reyes, lhp
- Ted Lilly, lhp
- Onan Masaoka, lhp
- Adam Riggs, 2b
- Kevin Gibbs, of
- Alex Cora, ss/2b
- Jeff Kubenka, lhp
- Angel Pena, c
- Chin-Feng Chen, of
- Mike Judd, rhp
- Steve Colyer, lhp
- Luke Allen, of
- Luke Prokopec, rhp
- Glenn Davis, 1b/of
- Jorge Piedra, of
- Onan Masaoka, lhp
- Adam Riggs, 2b
- Chin-Feng Chen, of
- Eric Gagne, rhp
- Hong-Chih Kuo, lhp
- Jason Repko, ss
- Hiram Bocachica, 2b
- Mike Judd, rhp
- Luke Allen, 3b
- Brennan King, 3b
- Steve Colyer, lhp
- Kris Foster, rhp
Miami Marlins
- Nigel Wilson, of
- Edgar Renteria, ss
- Jose Martinez, rhp
- Matt Whisenant, lhp
- Carl Everett, of
- Pat Rapp, rhp
- Charles Johnson, c
- Darrell Whitmore, of
- Hector Carrasco, rhp
- John Lynch, rhp
- Charles Johnson, c
- Kurt Miller, rhp
- Carl Everett, of
- Nigel Wilson, of
- Andy Larkin, rhp
- Vic Darensbourg, lhp
- Edgar Renteria, ss
- Marc Valdes, rhp
- Matt Whisenant, lhp
- Erick Strickland, of
- Charles Johnson, c
- Andy Larkin, rhp
- Marc Valdes, rhp
- Josh Booty, ss
- Edgar Renteria, ss
- Brian Meadows, rhp
- Quilvio Veras, 2b
- Luis Castillo, 2b
- Wil Cunnane, rhp
- Victor Rodriguez, ss
- Edgar Renteria, ss
- Luis Castillo, 2b
- Jay Powell, rhp
- Jaime Jones, of
- Josh Booty, 3b
- Will Cunnane, rhp
- Bill McMillon, of
- Randy Winn, of
- Ralph Milliard, 2b
- Alex Gonzalez, ss
- Alex Gonzalez, ss
- Felix Heredia, lhp
- Andy Larkin, rhp
- Todd Dunwoody, of
- Dustin Hermanson, rhp
- Nate Rolison, 1b
- Jaime Jones, of
- Mark Kotsay, of
- Billy McMillon, of
- Ryan Dempster, rhp
- Mark Kotsay, of
- Alex Gonzalez, ss
- Julio Ramirez, of
- Todd Dunwoody, of
- Joe Fontenot, rhp
- Nelson Lara, rhp
- Amaury Garcia, 2b
- Oscar Henriquez, rhp
- Brian Meadows, rhp
- Brent Billingsley, lhp
- A.J. Burnett, rhp
- Alex Gonzalez, ss
- Braden Looper, rhp
- Pablo Ozuna, ss
- Julio Ramirez, of
- Wes Anderson, rhp
- Chip Ambres, of
- Preston Wilson, of
- Geoff Goetz, lhp
- Nelson Lara, rhp
- A.J. Burnett, rhp
- Josh Beckett, rhp
- Wes Anderson, rhp
- Brad Penny, rhp
- Julio Ramirez, of
- Chipa Ambres, of
- Pablo Ozuna, 2b/ss
- Jason Grilli, rhp
- Gary Knotts, rhp
- Terry Byron, rhp
Milwaukee Brewers
- Dion James, of
- Eric Peyton, of
- Randy Ready, 3b
- Scott Roberts, rhp
- Dale Sveum, ss
- Bill Wegman, rhp
- Juan Castillo, 2b
- Bob Gibson, rhp
- Bill Schroeder, c
- Andy Beene, rhp
- Juan Nieves, lhp
- Glenn Braggs, of
- Dion James, of
- Bill Wegman, rhp
- Dale Sveum, 3b
- Billy Joe Robidoux, 3b
- Dan Plesac, lhp
- Randy Ready, 3b
- Ernest Riles, ss
- Bruce Williams, rhp
- Glenn Braggs, of
- Juan Nieves, lhp
- Dale Sveum, 3b
- Dan Plesac, lhp
- Bill Wegman, rhp
- Billy Joe Robidoux, 1b
- Chris Bosio, rhp
- Alan Sadler, rhp
- Mike Birkbeck, rhp
- Joe Meyer, 1b
- Juan Nieves, lhp
- B.J. Surhoff, c
- Glenn Braggs, of
- Billy Joe Robidoux, 1b
- Bill Wegman, rhp
- Dan Plesac, lhp
- Dan Murphy, rhp
- Dale Sveum, 3b
- Chris Bosio, rhp
- Joe Meyer, 1b
- Gary Sheffield, ss
- B.J. Surhoff, c
- Chris Bosio, rhp
- Mark Ambrose, rhp
- Darryel Walters, of
- Edgar Diaz, ss
- Mike Birkbeck, rhp
- Shon Ashley, of
- Darryl Hamilton, of
- Dan Murphy, rhp
- Gary Sheffield, ss
- Ramser Correa, rhp
- Jaime Navarro, rhp
- Darryl Hamilton, of
- Greg Vaughn, of
- Randy Veres, rhp
- Bill Spiers, ss
- Darryel Walters, of
- Tim Watkins, rhp
- Dave Nilsson, c
- Gary Sheffield, ss
- Jaime Navarro, rhp
- Bill Spiers, ss
- Greg Vaughn of
- Ramser Correa, rhp
- Randy Veres, rhp
- Narciso Elvira, lhp
- Leonardo Perez, rhp
- Doug Henry, rhp
- George Canale, 1b
- Greg Vaughn, of
- Narciso Elvira, lhp
- Cal Eldred, rhp
- Angel Miranda, lhp
- Tim McIntosh, c
- Jason Zimbauer, rhp
- Randy Veres, rhp
- George Canale, 1b
- Gordon Powell, 3b
- Chris George, rhp
- Chris George, rhp
- Narciso Elvira, lhp
- Angel Miranda, lhp
- Kevin Brown, lhp
- Bo Dodson, 1b
- Tim McIntosh, c
- Cal Eldred, rhp
- Chris Johnson, rhp
- Troy O’Leary, of
- Michael Carter, ss
- Tyrone Hill, lhp
- Dave Nilsson, c
- Duane Singleton, of
- Cal Eldred, rhp
- Mark Kiefer, rhp
- Pat Listach, 2b/ss
- Chris George, rhp
- John Jaha, 1b
- Michael Carter, of
- Angel Miranda, lhp
- Tyrone Hill, lhp
- Matt Mieske, of
- Mark Kiefer, rhp
- Mike Farrell, lhp
- Troy O’Leary, of
- Jose Valentin, ss
- Kenny Felder, of
- Duane Singleton, of
- Marshall Boze, rhp
- Angel Miranda, lhp
- Jeff D’Amico, rhp
- Tyrone Hill, lhp
- Matt Mieske, of
- Marshall Boze, rhp
- Jose Valentin, ss
- Todd Dunn, of
- Scott Karl, lhp
- Gabby Martinez, ss
- Mike Matheny, c
- Ken Felder, of
- Antone Williamson, 3b
- Duane Singleton, of
- Danny Klassen, ss
- Mark Loretta, ss
- Jeff D’Amico, rhp
- Tim Unroe, 1b
- Marshall Boze, rhp
- Derek Wachter, of
- Todd Dunn, Of
- Sid Roberson, lhp
- Jeff D’Amico, rhp
- Geoff Jenkins, of
- Antone Williamson, 3b
- Mark Loretta, ss
- Byron Browne, rhp
- Danny Klassen, ss
- Todd Dunn, of
- Ron Belliard, 2b
- Doug Webb, rhp
- Brian Banks, of
- Todd Dunn, of
- Valerio de los Santos, lhp
- Ron Belliard, 2b
- Geoff Jenkins, of
- Antone Williamson, 1b
- Chad Green, of
- Sean Maloney, rhp
- Mike Pasqualicchio, lhp
- Danny Klassen, ss
- Brian Banks, of/C
- Valerio de los Santos, lhp
- Geoff Jenkins, of
- Ron Belliard, 2b
- Kevin Barker, 1b
- Steve Woodard, rhp
- Mike Kinkade, 3b
- Kyle Peterson, rhp
- Todd Dunn, of
- Jose Garcia, rhp
- Chad Green of
- Ron Belliard, 2b
- Kevin Barker, lhp
- Valerio de los Santos, lhp
- Jose Garcia, rhp
- J.M. Gold, rhp
- Santiago Perez, ss
- Kyle Peterson, rhp
- Rafael Roque, lhp
- Chad Green, of
- Allen Levrault, rhp
- Nick Neugebauer, rhp
- Ben Sheets, rhp
- Kevin Barker, 1b
- Allen Levrault, rhp
- J.M. Gold, rhp
- Chad Green, of
- Jose Garcia, rhp
- Santiago Perez, ss
- Scott Kirby, 3b
- Cristian Guerrero, of
Minnesota Twins
- Brian Oelkers, lhp
- Jeff Reed, c
- Greg Gagne, ss
- Kirby Puckett, of
- Dave Meier, of
- Tim Teufel, 2b
- Mike Sodders, 3b
- Scott Ulger, of
- Matt Davidson, of
- Steve Lombardozzi, ss
- Kirby Puckett, of
- Jeff Reed, c
- Dave Meier, of
- Tim Teufel, 2b
- Rich Yett, rhp
- Bryan Oelkers, lhp
- Jim Weaver, of
- Gerry Lomastro, of
- Frank Eufemia, rhp
- Mark Giordano, rhp
- Jay Bell, ss
- Rich Yett, rhp
- Curt Wardle, lhp
- Bryan Oelkers, lhp
- Bob Ralson, 2b/ss
- Jeff Reed, c
- Gene Larkin, 1b
- Dave Vetsch, of
- Al Cardwood, rhp
- Gerry Lomastro, of
- Billy Beane, of
- Mark Davidson, of
- Steve Lombardozzi, 2b
- Alan Sontag, rhp
- Jeff Bumgarner, rhp
- Jeff Reed, c
- Steve Gasser, rhp
- Allan Anderson, lhp
- Alex Marte, of
- Ray Velasquez, rhp
- Steve Gasser, rhp
- Toby Nivens, rhp
- Jeff Bumgarner, rhp
- Derek Parks, c
- Alan Sontag, rhp
- Julius McDougal, ss
- Gene Larkin, 1b
- Brad Bierley, of
- Phil Wilson, of
- Yorkis Perez, lhp
- Derek Parks, c
- Willie Banks, rhp
- Steve Gasser, rhp
- Jeff Bumgarner, rhp
- Park Pittman, rhp
- Chip Hale, 2b
- Toby Nivens, rhp
- Brad Bierley, of
- Mike Dyer, rhp
- Terry Jorgensen, 3b
- Johnny Ard, rhp
- Willie Banks, rhp
- Rafael DeLima, of
- Mike Dyer, rhp
- Derek Parks, c
- Park Pittman, rhp
- Chip Hale, 2b
- Paul Abbott, rhp
- Larry Casian, lhp
- Lenny Webster, c
- Willie Banks, rhp
- Kevin Tapani, rhp
- Paul Sorrento, 1b
- Johnny Ard, rhp
- Park Pitman, rhp
- Derek Parks, c
- Pat Mahomes, rhp
- Terry Jorgensen, 3b
- Chuck Knoblauch, ss
- Scott Leius, ss
- Rich Garces, rhp
- Willie Banks, rhp
- Chuck Knoblauch, 2b
- Denny Neagle, lhp
- Midre Cummings, of
- Pedro Munoz, of
- Alan Newman, lhp
- Todd Ritchie, rhp
- Paul Abbott, rhp
- Lenny Webster, c
- David McCarty, of
- Pat Mahomes, rhp
- Midre Cummings, of
- Willie Banks, rhp
- Alan Newman, lhp
- Todd Ritchie, rhp
- Rich Becker, of
- Denny Neagle, lhp
- Mike Trombley, rhp
- Scott Stahoviak, 3b
- David McCarty, of
- Mike Trombley, rhp
- Rich Becker, of
- Todd Ritchie, rhp
- Marty Cordova, of
- Denny Hocking, ss
- Alan Newman, lhp
- Scott Stahoviak, 3b
- Edgar Herrera, of
- Dan Serafini, lhp
- Rich Becker, of
- Todd Ritchie, rhp
- LaTroy Hawkins, rhp
- Matt Walbeck, c
- Dan Serafini, lhp
- Dave Stephens, rhp
- Torii Hunter, of
- Chad Roper, 3b
- Marty Cordova, of
- Carlos Pulido, lhp
- LaTroy Hawkins, rhp
- Todd Walker, 2b
- Marc Barcelo, rhp
- Marty Cordova, of
- Rich Becker, of
- Torii Hunter, of
- Dan Serafini, lhp
- Travis Miller, lhp
- Scott Stahoviak, 3b/1b
- Gus Gandarillas, rhp
- Todd Walker, 3b
- Jose Valentin, c
- LaTroy Hawkins, rhp
- Dan Serafini, lhp
- Travis Miller, lhp
- Torii Hunter, of
- Jason Bell, rhp
- Matt Lawton, of
- Mark Redman, lhp
- Marc Barcelo, rhp
- Todd Walker, 3b
- Torii Hunter, of
- Luis Rivas, ss
- Javier Valentin, c
- Dan Serafini, lhp
- Todd Ritchie, rhp
- Jacque Jones, of
- Travis Miller, lhp
- Mark Redman, lhp
- A.J. Pierzynski, c
- Luis Rivas, ss
- David Ortiz, 1b
- Michael Cuddyer, ss
- Chad Allen, of
- Torii Hunter, of
- Dan Serafini, lhp
- Jacque Jones, of
- Corey Koskie, 3b
- Matthew LeCroy, c
- Mike Lincoln, rhp
- Michael Cuddyer, 3b
- Mike Restovich, of
- Cristian Guzman, ss
- Luis Rivas, ss
- Matt LeCroy, c
- Ryan Mills, lhp
- Jacque Jones, of
- Doug Mientkiewicz, 1b
- Corey Koskie, 3b
- Mike Lincoln, rhp
- Michael Cuddyer, 3b
- Michael Restovich, of
- Matthew LeCroy, c
- B.J. Garbe, of
- Luis Rivas, ss
- J.C. Romero, lhp
- Kyle Lohse, rhp
- Johan Santana, lhp
- Juan Rincon, rhp
- Ryan Mills, lhp
New York Mets
- Darryl Strawberry, of
- Jeff Bittiger, P
- Ron Darling, rhp
- Dwight Gooden, rhp
- Rick Ownbey, P
- Jose Oquendo, ss
- Mark Carreon, of
- Herm Winningham, of
- Terry Blocker, of
- Dave Cochrane, 3b
- Dwight Gooden, rhp
- Ron Darling, rhp
- Lenny Dykstra, of
- John Gibbons, c
- Kevin Mitchell, 3b
- Floyd Youmans, rhp
- Herm Winningham, of
- Stanley Jefferson, of
- Eddie Williams, 3b
- Dave Cochrane, 3b
- Calvin Schiraldi, rhp
- Stan Jefferson, of
- Shawn Abner, of
- Randy Myers, lhp
- Lenny Dykstra, of
- John Gibbons, c
- Wes Gardner, rhp
- John Christensen, of
- Rick Aguilera, rhp
- Dave West, lhp
- Kevin Elster, ss
- Shawn Abner, of
- Stan Jefferson, of
- Dave West, lhp
- Randy Myers, lhp
- Gregg Jefferies, ss/2b
- Keith Miller, 2b
- Billy Beane, of
- Jose Bautista, rhp
- Reggie Dobie, rhp
- Gregg Jefferies, ss
- Randy Myers, lhp
- Keith Miller, 2b
- Kevin Elster, ss
- Craig Repoz, 3b
- Dave Magadan, 3b
- Dave West, lhp
- Reggie Dobie, rhp
- Marcus Lawton, of
- Brian Givens, lhp
- Gregg Jefferies, ss
- Kevin Elster, ss
- Dave West, lhp
- Wally Whitehurst, rhp
- Keith Miller, 2b
- Todd Welborn, rhp
- Joaquin Contreras, of
- Jack Savage, rhp
- Randy Milligan, 1b
- Chris Donnels, 3b
- Gregg Jefferies, 2b/3b
- David West, lhp
- Wally Whitehurst, rhp
- Terry Bross, rhp
- Blaine Beatty, lhp
- Kevin Brown, lhp
- Mark Carreon, of
- Kevin Tapani, rhp
- Brian Givens, lhp
- Todd Hundley, c
- Julio Valera, rhp
- Dave Proctor, rhp
- Chris Donnels, 3b
- Todd Hundley, c
- Brook Fordyce, c
- Terry Bross, rhp
- Butch Huskey, 3b
- Terry McDaniel, of
- Alex Diaz, ss
- Jamie Roseboro, of
- Anthony Young, rhp
- Pete Schourek, lhp
- Todd Hundley, c
- D.J. Dozier, of
- Terry Bross, rhp
- Brook Fordyce, c
- Tito Navarro, ss
- Julio Valera, rhp
- Alan Zinter, c
- Jeromy Burnitz, of
- Todd Hundley, c
- Jeromy Burnitz, of
- Anthony Young, rhp
- Butch Huskey, 3b
- Julian Vasquez, rhp
- D.J. Dozier, of
- Joe Vitko, rhp
- Tito Navarro, ss
- Bobby Jones, rhp
- Brook Fordyce, c
- Bobby Jones, rhp
- Jeromy Burnitz, of
- Brook Fordyce, c
- Al Shirley, of
- Butch Huskey, 3b
- Preston Wilson, 3b
- Ryan Thompson, of
- Bill Pulsipher, lhp
- Edgar Alfonzo, ss
- Rafael Guerrero, of
- Bill Pulsipher, lhp
- Preston Wilson, 3b
- Butch Huskey, 3b
- Edgardo Alfonzo, ss
- Kirk Presley, rhp
- Brook Fordyce, c
- Jason Isringhausen, rhp
- Chris Roberts, lhp
- Quilvio Veras, 2b
- Mike Welch, rhp
- Bill Pulsipher, lhp
- Paul Wilson, rhp
- Rey Ordonez, ss
- Edgardo Alfonzo, INF
- Carl Everett, of
- Jason Isringhausen, rhp
- Terrence Long, of/1b
- Jay Payton, of
- Kirk Presley, rhp
- Preston Wilson,, 3b
- Paul Wilson, rhp
- Jay Payton, of
- Rey Ordonez, ss
- Juan Acevedo, rhp
- Alex Ochoa, of
- Preston Wilson, of
- Terrence Long, of
- Sean Johnston, lhp
- Eric Ludwick, rhp
- Bryon Gainey, 1b
- Jay Payton, of
- Terrence Long, of
- Arnold Gooch, rhp
- Grant Roberts, RHp
- Derek Wallace, RHp
- Corey Erickson, 3b
- Brett Herbison, rhp
- Preston Wilson, of
- Pee Wee Lopez, c
- Octavio Dotel rhp
- Grant Roberts, rhp
- Ed Yarnall, lhp
- Preston Wilson, of
- Geoff Goetz, lhp
- Jesus Sanchez, lhp
- Fletcher Bates, of
- Octavio Dotel, rhp
- Derek Wallace, rhp
- Vance Wilson, c
- Jay Payton, of
- Alex Escobar, of
- Octavio Dotel, rhp
- Grant Roberts, rhp
- Jae Weong Seo, rhp
- Terrence Long, of
- Jorge Luis Toca, of
- Lesli Brea, rhp
- Juan LeBron, of
- Jason Tyner, of
- Scott Hunter, of
- Alex Escobar, of
- Pat Strange, rhp
- Grant Roberts, rhp
- Brian Cole, of
- Enrique Cruz, ss
- Lesli Brea, rhp
- Jorge Toca, of/1b
- Jason Tyner, of
- Eric Cammack, rhp
- Dicky Gonzalez, rhp
New York Yankees
- John Elway, of
- Otis Nixon, of
- Stefan Wever, rhp
- Edwin Rodriguez, 2b
- Todd Demeter, 1b
- Jose Rijo, rhp
- Dan Pasqua, of
- Mike Pagliarulo, 3b
- Don Mattingly, 1b/of
- Clay Christiansen, rhp
- Jose Rijo, rhp
- Bobby Meacham, ss
- Keith Smith, ss
- Stan Javier, of
- Orestes Destrade, 1b/of
- Tim Birtsas, lhp
- Brian Dayett, of
- Clay Christiansen, rhp
- Dan Pasqua, of
- Matt Winters, of/1b
- Jose Rijo, rhp
- Stan Javier, of
- Tim Birtsas, lhp
- Keith Smith, ss
- Eric Plunk, rhp
- Dan Pasqua, of
- Jim Deshaies, lhp
- Rex Hudler, 2b
- Orestes Destrade, 1b
- Al Leiter, lhp
- Brad Arnsberg, rhp
- Jay Buhner, of
- Bob Tewksbury, rhp
- Rick Balabon, rhp
- Doug Drabek, rhp
- Darren Reed, of
- Carlos Martinez, ss
- Bill Fulton, rhp
- Orestes Destrade, 1b
- Mitch Lyden, c
- Jay Buhner, of
- Brad Arnsberg, rhp
- Mitch Lyden, c
- Chris Alvarez, 3b
- Orestes Destrade, 1b
- Rick Balabon, rhp
- Al Leiter, lhp
- Bernie Williams, of
- Tim Layana, rhp
- Hensley Meulens, 3b
- Hensley Meulens, 3b
- Al Leiter, lhp
- Roberto Kelly, of
- Jay Buhner, of
- Troy Evers, rhp
- Mitch Lyden, c
- Vince Phillips, of
- Bernie Williams, of
- Rick Balabon, rhp
- Dana Ridenour, rhp
- Hensley Meulens, 3b
- Deion Sanders, of
- Cullen Hartzog, rhp
- Bernie Williams, of
- Tony Morrison, lhp
- Vince Phillips, of
- Todd Malone, lhp
- Kevin Maas, 1b
- Pat Kelly, 2b
- Ricky Rhodes, rhp
- Bernie Williams, of
- Cullen Hartzog, rhp
- Russ Springer, rhp
- Willie Smith, rhp
- Andy Fox, 3b
- Vince Phillips, of
- Sterling Hitchcock, lhp
- Brian Johnson, c
- Mark Hutton, rhp
- Hensley Meulens, 3b
- Bernie Williams, of
- Hensley Meulens, of
- Willie Smith, rhp
- Pat Kelly, 2b
- Robert Eenhoorn, ss
- Wade Taylor, rhp
- Carl Everett, of
- Gerald Williams, of
- Russ Davis, 3b
- Jeff Johnson, lhp
- Brien Taylor, lhp
- Carl Everett, of
- Russ Springer, rhp
- Mark Hutton, rhp
- Ed Martel, rhp
- Robert Eenhoorn, ss
- Dave Silvestri, ss
- Gerald Williams, of
- Roberto Munoz, rhp
- Sam Militello, rhp
- Brien Taylor, lhp
- Derek Jeter, ss
- Gerald Williams, of
- Russ Davis, 3b
- Sterling Hitchcock, lhp
- Domingo Jean, rhp
- Robert Eenhoorn, ss
- Mark Hutton, rhp
- Mariano Rivera, rhp
- Dave Silvestri, ss
- Derek Jeter, ss
- Brien Taylor, lhp
- Russ Davis, 3b
- Ruben Rivera, of
- Sterling Hitchcock, lhp
- Keith Heberling, lhp
- Andy Pettitte, lhp
- Mark Hutton, rhp
- Matt Drews, rhp
- Tate Seefried, 1b
- Ruben Rivera, of
- Derek Jeter, ss
- Andy Pettitte, lhp
- Russ Davis, 3b
- Brien Taylor, lhp
- Matt Drews, rhp
- Jorge Posada, c
- Tate Seefried, 1b
- Mariano Rivera, rhp
- Brian Buchanan, of
- Ruben Rivera, of
- Derek Jeter, ss
- Matt Drews, rhp
- Andy Fox, 3b
- D’Angelo Jimenez, ss
- Ray Ricken rhp
- Shea Morenz, of
- Chris Cumberland, lhp
- Mike Figga, c
- Tate Seefried, 1b
- Ruben Rivera, of
- Jackson Melian, of
- Rafael Medina, rhp
- Katsuhiro Maeda, rhp
- Cristian Guzman, ss
- Jason Coble, lhp
- Ricky Ledee, of
- Eric Milton, lhp
- Donny Leon, 3b
- Jorge Posada, c
- Eric Milton, lhp
- Ricky Ledee, of
- Mike Lowell, 3b
- Luis de los Santos, rhp
- Jackson Melian, of
- Donzell McDonald, of
- Cristian Guzman, ss
- Mike Jerzembeck, rhp
- Ryan Bradley, rhp
- Nick Johnson, 1b
- Nick Johnson, 1b
- Ryan Bradley, rhp
- Alfonso Soriano, ss
- Jackson Melian, of
- Mike Lowell, 3b
- Ricky Ledee, of
- Drew Henson, 3b
- Juan Rivera, of
- Shane Spencer, of
- D’Angelo Jimenez, ss
- Nick Johnson, 1b
- Alfonso Soriano, ss
- Drew Henson, 3b
- D’Angelo Jimenez, ss
- Jackson Melian, of
- Ed Yarnall, lhp
- Wily Mo Pena, of
- Todd Noel, rhp
- Randy Keisler, lhp
- Jake Westbrook, rhp
Oakland Athletics
- Mike Davis, of
- Chris Codiroli, rhp
- Tim Conroy, lhp
- Bill Bathe, c
- Tony Phillips, ss
- Bill Krueger, lhp
- Phil Stephenson, 1b
- Curt Young, lhp
- Tom Romano, of
- Kelvin Moore, 1b
- Steve Kiefer, ss
- Ron Harrison, of
- Brian Dorsett, c
- Steve Ontiveros, rhp
- Charlie O’Brien, c
- Stan Hilton, rhp
- Jose Canseco, of
- Phil Stephenson, 1b
- Darrel Akerfelds, rhp
- Tom Romano, of
- Jose Canseco, of
- Tim Belcher, rhp
- Darrel Akerfelds, rhp
- Brian Dorsett, c
- Mark McGwire, 3b
- Rob Nelson, 1b
- Mickey Tettleton, c
- Steve Kiefer, ss
- Ron Harrison, of
- Luis Polonia, of
- Jose Canseco, of
- Eric Plunk, rhp
- Brian Dorsett, c
- Rob Nelson, 1b
- Darrel Akerfelds, rhp
- Mark McGwire, 3b
- Tim Belcher, rhp
- Luis Polonia, of
- Stan Javier, of
- Walt Weiss, ss
- Terry Steinbach, c
- Rob Nelson, 1b
- Mark McGwire, 3b
- Dave Otto, lhp
- Tim Belcher, rhp
- Luis Polonia, of
- Wally Whitehurst, rhp
- Kirk McDonald, rhp
- Stan Javier, of
- Walt Weiss, ss
- Dave Otto, lhp
- Scott Hemond, c
- Walt Weiss, ss
- Felix Jose, of
- Kirk McDonald, rhp
- Todd Burns, rhp
- Lance Blankenship, 2b
- Tyler Brilinski, 1b
- Reese Lambert, lhp
- Lee Tinsley, of
- Dave Otto, lhp
- Felix Jose, of
- Scott Hemond, 3b
- Will Schock, rhp
- Stan Royer, 3b
- Scott Chiamparino, rhp
- Lance Blankenship, 2b
- Lee Tinsley, of
- Steve Howard, of
- Jim Corsi, rhp
- Darren Lewis, of
- Joe Slusarski, rhp
- Felix Jose, of
- Ray Young, rhp
- Scott Hemond, 3b
- Scott Chiamparino, rhp
- Craig Paquette, 3b
- Dave Otto, lhp
- Stan Royer, 3b
- Dann Howitt, of/1b
- Todd Van Poppel, rhp
- Steve Chitren, rhp
- Kirk Dressendorfer, rhp
- Don Peters, rhp
- Scott Hemond, 3b/2b
- Joe Slusarski, rhp
- Craig Paquette, 3b
- Scott Brosius, 3b/2b
- Lee Tinsley, of
- Dann Howitt, of/1b
- Todd Van Poppel, rhp
- Mike Neill, of
- Scott Erwin, rhp
- Dave Zancanaro, lhp
- Kirk Dressendorfer, rhp
- Craig Paquette, 3b
- Don Peters, rhp
- Jason Wood, ss
- Scott Lydy, of
- Curtis Shaw, lhp
- Todd Van Poppel, rhp
- Brent Gates, 2b
- Curtis Shaw, lhp
- Scott Lydy, of
- Damon Mashore, of
- Miguel Jimenez, rhp
- Craig Paquette, 3b
- Johnny Guzman, lhp
- Dave Zancanaro lhp
- Mike Neill, of
- Steve Karsay, rhp
- Curtis Shaw, lhp
- Miguel Jimenez, rhp
- Fausto Cruz, ss
- Izzy Molina, c
- Jose Herrera, of
- John Wasdin, rhp
- Kerwin Moore, of
- Mark Acre, rhp
- Willie Adams, rhp
- Ben Grieve, of
- John Wasdin, rhp
- Jose Herrera, of
- Jason Giambi, 3b
- Stacy Hollins, rhp
- Ernie Young, of
- Steve Wojciechowski, lhp
- Willie Adams, rhp
- Don Wengert, rhp
- Heath Haynes, rhp
- Ben Grieve, of
- John Wasdin, rhp
- Brad Rigby, rhp
- Steve Cox, 1b
- Ramon Hernandez, c
- Miguel Tejada, ss
- Mario Encarnacion, of
- Bret Wagner, lhp
- Willie Adams, rhp
- Tom Bennett, rhp
- Miguel Tejada, ss
- Ben Grieve, of
- Brad Rigby, rhp
- Jay Witasick rhp
- Eric Chavez, 3b
- Steve Cox, 1b
- Mark Bellhorn, 2b/ss
- Jamey Price, rhp
- Scott Spiezio, 3b
- Danny Ardoin, c
- Ben Grieve, of
- Miguel Tejada, ss
- Eric Chavez, 3b
- A.J. Hinch, c
- Chris Enochs, rhp
- Ramon Hernandez, c
- Ryan Christenson, of
- Blake Stein, rhp
- Eric DuBose, lhp
- Jeff D’Amico, rhp
- Eric Chavez, 3b
- Mark Mulder, lhp
- Eric DuBose, lhp
- Chad Harville, rhp
- Chris Enochs, rhp
- Mario Encarnacion, of
- Ramon Hernandez, c
- Luis Vizcaino, rhp
- Nathan Haynes, of
- Tim Hudson, rhp
- Mark Mulder, lhp
- Barry Zito, lhp
- Jesus Colome, rhp
- Mario Encarnacion, of
- Adam Piatt, 3b
- Chad Harville, rhp
- Miguel Olivo, c
- Ryan Ludwick, of
- Eric DuBose, lhp
- Chris Enochs, rhp
Philadelphia Phillies
- Jay Baller, rhp
- Juan Samuel, 2b
- Charlie Hudson, rhp
- Julio Franco, ss
- Jeff Stone, of
- Gerry Willard, c
- Kevin Gross, rhp
- Tony Ghelfi, rhp
- John Russell, c
- Francisco Melendez, 1b/of
- Juan Samuel, 2b
- Chris James, 3b
- Jeff Stone, of
- Francisco Melendez, 1b/of
- Darren Daulton, c
- John Russell, c
- Greg Jelks, 1b
- Ricky Jordan, 1b
- Rick Schu, 3b
- Don Carman, lhp
- Rick Schu, 3b
- Chris James, 3b
- Ramon Caraballo, rhp
- Marvin Freeman, rhp
- Darren Daulton, c
- Ricky Jordan, 1b
- Rick Surhoff, rhp
- Francisco Melendez, 1b
- Ken Jackson, ss
- Rocky Childress, rhp
- Chris James, of
- Eric Boudreaux, rhp
- Marvin Freeman, rhp
- Kevin Ward, of
- Shawn Barton, lhp
- Bruce Ruffin, lhp
- Ricky Jordan, 1b
- Shawn Dantzler, of
- Bart Kaiser, 1b
- Steve DeAngelis, of
- Ron Jones, of
- Marvin Freeman, rhp
- Mike Jackson, rhp
- Chris James, of/3b
- Steve DeAngelis, of
- Tommy Newell, rhp
- Bob Scanlan, rhp
- Jim Olander, of
- Eric Boudreaux, rhp
- Jim Fortenberry, of
- Brad Brink, rhp
- Bob Scanlan, rhp
- Todd Frohwirth, rhp
- Ron Jones, of
- Ricky Jordan, 1b
- Keith Hughes, of
- Marvin Freeman, rhp
- Scott Service, rhp
- Jason Grimsley, rhp
- Scott Reaves, 3b
- Tim Mauser, rhp
- David Holdridge, rhp
- Bob Scanlan, rhp
- Pat Combs, lhp
- Chuck Malone, rhp
- Jason Grimsley, rhp
- Ron Jones, of
- Chuck McElroy, lhp
- Kim Batiste, ss
- Brad Brink, rhp
- Pat Combs, lhp
- Jason Grimsley, rhp
- Chuck Malone, rhp
- Mickey Morandini, 2b
- Andy Ashby, rhp
- Kim Batiste, ss
- Bob Ayrault, rhp
- Chuck McElroy, lhp
- Jeff Jackson of
- Julio Vargas, c
- Mickey Morandini, 2b
- Wes Chamberlain, of
- Kim Batiste, ss
- Andy Ashby, rhp
- Darrin Fletcher, c
- Tony Longmire, of
- Chuck Malone, rhp
- Jeff Jackson, of
- Bob Ayrault, rhp
- David Holdridge, rhp
- Tyler Green, rhp
- Kim Batiste, ss
- Tony Longmire, of
- Mike Lieberthal, c
- Kyle Abbot, lhp
- Andy Ashby, rhp
- Ron Lockett, of/1b
- Cliff Brantley, rhp
- Braulio Castillo, of
- Jeff Jackson, of
- Tyler Green, rhp
- Mike Lieberthal, c
- Kevin Stocker, ss
- Chad McConnell, of
- Tom Nuneviller, of
- Ron Blazier, rhp
- Mike Williams, rhp
- Tony Longmire, of
- Mike Farmer, lhp
- Paul Fletcher, rhp
- Tyler Green, rhp
- Ricky Bottalico, rhp
- Phil Geisler, of
- Wayne Gomes, rhp
- Gene Schall, 1b
- Chad McConnell, of
- Jason Moler, c
- Mike Lieberthal, c
- Tony Longmire, of
- Larry Mitchell, rhp
- Scott Rolen, 3b
- Wayne Gomes, rhp
- Ricky Bottalico, rhp
- Carlton Loewer, rhp
- Rick Holifield, of
- Kevin Jordan, 2b
- Mike Lieberthal, c
- Tyler Green, rhp
- Ryan Nye, rhp
- Jon McMullen, 1b
- Scott Rolen, 3b
- Dave Coggin, rhp
- Marlon Anderson, 2b
- Reggie Taylor, of
- Mike Grace, rhp
- Bobby Estalella, c
- Carlton Loewer, rhp
- Wayne Gomes, rhp
- Larry Wimberly, lhp
- Wendell Magee, of
- Scott Rolen, 3b
- Bobby Estalella, c
- Dave Coggin, rhp
- Reggie Taylor, of
- Adam Eaton, rhp
- Marlon Anderson, 2b
- Ryan Brannan, rhp
- Carlton Loewer, rhp
- Rob Burger, rhp
- Steve Carver 1b/of
- Ryan Brannan, rhp
- Reggie Taylor, of
- Bobby Estalella, c
- Jimmy Rollins, ss
- Carlton Loewer, rhp
- Desi Relaford, ss
- Marlon Anderson, 2b
- Dave Coggin, rhp
- Adam Eaton, rhp
- Rob Burger, rhp
- Pat Burrell, 1b
- Marlon Anderson, 2b
- Randy Wolf, lhp
- Eric Valent, of
- Brad Baisley, rhp
- Carlos Duncan, 3b
- Jorge Padilla, of
- Reggie Taylor, of
- Dave Coggin, rhp
- Ryan Brannan, rhp
- Pat Burrell, 1b/of
- Brad Baisley, rhp
- Brett Myers, rhp
- Jimmy Rollins, ss
- Eric Valent, of
- Derrick Turnbow, rhp
- Reggie Taylor, of
- Doug Nickle, rhp
- Josue Perez, of
- Ryan Madson, rhp
Pittsburgh Pirates
- Lee Tunnell, rhp
- Brian Harper, of
- Denio Gonzales, 2b
- Hedi Vargas, 1b
- Sam Khalifa, ss
- Larry Lamonde, P
- Rick Renteria, 2b
- Junior Ortiz, c
- Pete Rice, lhp
- Joe Orsulak, of
- Bobby Bonilla, 1b/of
- Ruben Rodriguez, c
- Sam Khalifa, ss
- Joe Orsulak, of
- Denio Gonzalez, inf
- Benny DiStefano, 1b/of
- Chris Green, lhp
- Mike Bielicki, rhp
- Doug Frobel, of
- Jeff Zaske, rhp
- Mike Bielecki, rhp
- Ruben Rodriguez, c
- Denio Gonzalez, 3b
- Bobby Bonilla, of
- Sam Khalifa, ss
- Joe Orsulak, of
- Jim Winn, rhp
- Benny DiStefano, of
- Bip Roberts, 2b
- Jeff Zaske, rhp
- Barry Bonds, of
- Bob Kipper, lhp
- Mike Bielecki, rhp
- Ruben Rodriguez, c
- Dimas Gutierrez, 3b
- Barry Jones, rhp
- Benny DiStefano, 1b/of
- Rich Renteria, 3b
- Bobby Bonilla, 1b/of
- Ray Krawczyk, rhp
- John Smiley, lhp
- Ruben Rodriguez, c
- Stan Fansler, rhp
- Jeff King, 3b
- Jose Lind, 2b
- Jose Melendez, rhp
- Bob Patterson, lhp
- Jeff Cook, of
- Denny Gonzalez, 3b
- Hipolito Pena, lhp
- Mark Merchant, of
- Vicente Palacios, rhp
- Tommy Gregg, of
- Jeff King, 3b
- Mike York, rhp
- Tony Chance, of
- Stan Fansler, rhp
- Tom Prince, c, and Mackey Sasser, c (tie)
- Ben Shelton, 1b
- Mike Walker, rhp
- Mark Merchant, of
- Keith Richardson, rhp
- Moises Alou, of
- Mike Walker, rhp
- Jeff King, 3b
- Mike York, rhp
- Tony Chance, of
- Austin Manahan, ss
- Rick Reed, rhp
- Willie Smith, rhp
- Wes Chamberlain, of
- Willie Greene, ss
- Joe Ausanio, rhp
- Moises Alou, of
- Keith Richardson, rhp
- Steve Carter, of
- Stan Belinda, rhp
- Julio Peguero, of
- Carlos Garcia, ss
- Scott Ruskin, lhp
- Kurt Miller, rhp
- Mike Zimmerman, rhp
- Carlos Garcia, ss
- Austin Manahan, 3b
- Steve Cooke, lhp
- Joe Ausanio, rhp
- Kevin Young, 3b
- Keith Richardson, rhp
- William Pennyfeather, of
- Mike York, rhp
- Steve Cooke, lhp
- Scott Bullett, of
- Kevin Young, 3b
- Jon Farrell, of
- William Pennyfeather, of
- Carlos Garcia, ss
- Daryl Ratliff, of
- John Wehner, 3b
- David Doorneweerd, rhp
- Ben Shelton, 1b
- Kevin Young, 3b/1b
- Carlos Garcia, ss/2b
- Midre Cummings, of
- Danny Clyburn, of
- Al Martin, of
- Steve Cooke, lhp
- Trey Beamon, of
- Jason Kendall, c
- Brett Backlund, rhp
- Scott Bullett, of
- Midre Cummings, of
- Jermaine Allensworth, of
- Trey Beamon, of
- Charles Peterson, of
- Danny Miceli, rhp
- Esteban Loaiza, rhp
- Rich Aude, 1b
- Danny Clyburn, of
- Jason Kendall, c
- Jon Lieber, rhp
- Trey Beamon, of
- Lou Collier, ss
- Mark Farris, ss
- Freddy Garcia, 3b
- Charles Peterson, of
- Esteban Loaiza, rhp
- Jason Kendall, c
- Ramon Morel, rhp
- Micah Franklin, of
- Rich Aude, 1b
- Jason Kendall, c
- Trey Beamon, of
- Chad Hermansen, ss
- Freddy Garcia, 3b
- Charles Peterson, of
- Ramon Morel, rhp
- Jose Guillen, of
- Lou Collier, ss
- Kane Davis, rhp
- Jimmy Anderson, lhp
- Kris Benson, rhp
- Chad Hermansen, ss
- Jose Guillen, of
- Aramis Ramirez, 3b
- Ron Wright, 1b
- Abraham Nunez, ss
- Lou Collier, ss
- Jimmy Anderson, lhp
- Elvin Hernandez, rhp
- Charles Peterson, of
- Kris Benson, rhp
- Aramis Ramirez, 3b
- Chad Hermansen, 2b
- Jeff Wallace, lhp
- Abraham Nunez, ss
- Ron Wright, 1b
- Bronson Arroyo, lhp
- Alex Hernandez, of
- Jose Silva, rhp
- Lou Collier, ss
- Chad Hermansen, of
- Warren Morris, 2b
- Kris Benson, rhp
- Abraham Nunez, ss
- Jeff Wallace, lhp
- Kevin Haverbusch, 3b
- J.J. Davis, of
- Alex Hernandez, of
- Jeremy Cotten, 3b
- Ron Wright, 1b
- Chad Hermansen, of
- J.J. Davis, of
- Rico Washington, c/3b
- Humberto Cota, c
- Bobby Bradley, rhp
- Antonio Alvarez, 3b
- Luis Torres, rhp
- Kevin Haverbusch, 3b
- Bronson Arroyo, rhp
- J.R. House, c/1b
San Diego Padres
- Kevin McReynolds, of
- Jimmy Jones, rhp
- Ozzie Guillen, ss
- Brian Greer, of
- George Hinshaw, 3b
- Kevin Towers, rhp
- Mitch Williams, lhp
- James Steels, 1b
- Bill Long, rhp
- Gerry Davis, of
- Kevin McReynolds, of
- Jimmy Jones, rhp
- Ray Hayward, lhp
- Benito Santiago, c
- Gerry Davis, of
- Andy Hawkins, rhp
- Ozzie Guillen, ss
- George Hinshaw, 3b/of
- Dennis Rasmussen, lhp
- Greg Booker, rhp
- Jimmy Jones, rhp
- Lance McCullers, rhp
- Benito Santiago, c
- Ed Wojna, rhp
- Ray Hayward, lhp
- Shane Mack, of
- Candy Sierra, rhp
- Gary Green, ss
- Randy Byers, of
- James Steels, of
- Benito Santiago, c
- Ray Hayward, lhp
- Ed Wojna, rhp
- Roberto Alomar, 2b
- Joey Cora, 2b/ss
- Randall Byers, of
- Candy Sierra, rhp
- Jimmy Jones, rhp
- Shane Mack, of
- Gary Green, ss
- Benito Santiago, c
- Shane Mack, of
- Jimmy Jones, rhp
- Roberto Alomar, 2b
- Ed Wojna, rhp
- Joey Cora, 2b
- Tom Howard, of
- Randall Byers, of
- Randy Asadoor, 3b
- Gary Green, ss
- Roberto Alomar, ss
- Tom Howard, of
- Candy Sierra, rhp
- Sandy Alomar Jr., c
- Mike Young, lhp
- Shawn Abner, of
- Kevin Garner, rhp
- Will Taylor, rhp
- Greg W. Harris, rhp
- Matt Maysey, rhp
- Sandy Alomar Jr., c
- Andy Benes, rhp
- Tom Howard, of
- Roger Smithberg, rhp
- Greg W. Harris, rhp
- Luis Lopez, ss
- Shawn Abner, of
- Darrin Reichle, rhp
- Dave Hollins, 3b
- Omar Olivares, rhp
- Andy Benes, rhp
- Rafael Valdez, rhp
- Thomas Howard, of
- Roger Smithberg, rhp
- Steve Martin, ss
- Luis Lopez, ss
- Jeremy Hernandez, rhp
- Omar Olivares, rhp
- Will Taylor, of
- Darrin Reichle, rhp
- Rafael Valdez, rhp
- Robbie Beckett, lhp
- Dave Staton, 1b
- Thomas Howard, of
- Ricky Bones, rhp
- Scott Bream, ss
- Steve Martin, 3b
- Scott Sanders, rhp
- Tom Redington, 3b
- Craig Pueschner, of
- Joey Hamilton, rhp
- Ray McDavid, of
- Jeremy Hernandez, rhp
- Matt Mieske, of
- Mark Anthony, of
- Jose Valentin, S
- Dave Staton, 1b/3b
- Guillermo Velasquez, 1b
- Robbie Beckett, lhp
- Frank Seminara, rhp
- Ray McDavid, of
- Joey Hamilton, rhp
- Scott Sanders, rhp
- Tim Worrell, rhp
- Ray Holbert, ss
- Luis Lopez, ss
- Billy Hall, 2b
- Robbie Beckett, lhp
- Julio Bruno, 3b
- Darrell Sherman, of
- Joey Hamilton, rhp
- Robbie Beckett, lhp
- Melvin Nieves, of
- Ray McDavid, of
- Derrek Lee, 1b
- Andres Berumen, rhp
- Dave Staton, 1b
- Vince Moore, of
- Ray Holbert, ss
- Julio Bruno, 3b
- Dustin Hermanson, rhp
- Raul Casanova, c
- Marc Kroon, rhp
- Derrek Lee, 1b
- Melvin Nieves, of
- Homer Bush, 2b
- Ray McDavid, of
- Bryce Florie, rhp
- Glenn Dishman, lhp
- Julio Bruno, 3b
- Ben Davis, c
- Derrek Lee, 1b
- Dustin Hermanson, rhp
- Ron Villone, lhp
- Gabe Alvarez, ss
- Raul Casanova, c
- Heath Murray, lhp
- Marc Kroon, rhp
- Earl Johnson, of
- Juan Melo, ss
- Derrek Lee, 1b
- Ben Davis, c
- Juan Melo, ss
- Gabe Alvarez, 3b
- Heath Murray, lhp
- Todd Erdos, rhp
- Vernon Maxwell, of
- Matt Halloran, ss
- Matt Clement, rhp
- Marc Kroon, rhp
- Matt Clement, rhp
- Ruben Rivera, of
- Ben Davis, c
- Juan Melo, ss
- Kevin Nicholson, ss
- Mike Darr, of
- Jason Middlebrook, rhp
- Domingo Guzman, rhp
- Marc Kroon, rhp
- Gary Matthews Jr., of
- Matt Clement, rhp
- Ben Davis, c
- Junior Herndon, rhp
- Mike Darr, of
- Gary Matthews Jr., of
- Sean Burroughs, 3b
- Wascar Serrano, rhp
- Jason Middlebrook, rhp
- Juan Melo, ss
- Domingo Guzman, rhp
- Sean Burroughs, 3b
- Wascar Serrano, rhp
- Adam Eaton, rhp
- Mike Bynum, lhp
- Junior Herndon, rhp
- Vince Faison, of
- Mike Darr, of
- Wiki Gonzalez, c
- Gerik Baxter, rhp
- Brandon Kolb, rhp
San Francisco Giants
- Mark Grant, rhp
- Scott Garrelts, rhp
- Kelvin Torve, 1b
- Steve Stanicek, 1b
- John Rabb, c
- Jay Reid, of/1b
- Brian Snyder, of
- Frank Williams, rhp
- Mike Brecht, lhp
- Dan Gladden of
- Scott Garrelts, rhp
- Mark Grant, rhp
- John Rabb, c
- Matt Nokes, c
- Brad Wellman, 2b
- Jeff Robinson, rhp
- Rob Deer, of
- C.L. Penigar, of
- Chris Brown, 3b
- Jay Reid, of
- Mark Grant, rhp
- Matt Nokes, c
- Alejandro Sanchez, of
- Chris Brown, 3b
- Terry Mulholland, lhp
- Alan Cockrell, of
- Rob Deer, of
- Scott Garrelts, rhp
- Tony Perezchica, ss
- Eric King, rhp
- Will Clark, 1b
- Roger Mason, rhp
- Mackey Sasser, c
- Jack McKnight, rhp
- Terry Mulholland, lhp
- Mike Aldrete, 1b/of
- Keith Silver, rhp
- Mark Grant, rhp
- Charlie Hayes, 3b
- Alan Cockrell, of
- Matt Williams, 3b
- Terry Mulholland, lhp
- Mackey Sasser, c
- Angel Escobar, ss
- Mark Grant, rhp
- John Burkett, rhp
- Jay Reid, of
- Alan Cockrell, of
- Tony Perezchica, ss
- Ty Dabney, 3b
- Matt Williams, 3b
- Mike Remlinger, lhp
- Andres Santana, ss
- Paul McClellan, rhp
- Dennis Cook, lhp
- John Burkett, rhp
- Tony Perezchica, 2b
- Kirt Manwaring, c
- Terry Mulholland, lhp
- Dickens Benoit, of
- Andres Santana, ss
- Mike Remlinger, lhp
- Eric Gunderson, lhp
- Royce Clayton, ss
- Dennis Cook, lhp
- Trevor Wilson, lhp
- Tony Perezchica, 2b
- Kirt Manwaring, c
- Ted Wood, of
- Scott Ebert, rhp
- Steve Hosey, of
- Eric Gunderson, lhp
- Tony Perezchica, 2b
- Steve Decker, c
- Royce Clayton, ss
- Russ Swan, lhp
- Jamie Cooper, of
- Mike Benjamin, ss
- Mike Remlinger, lhp
- Andres Santana, ss
- Royce Clayton, ss
- Steve Hosey, of
- Kevin Rogers, lhp
- Steve Decker, c
- Johnny Ard, rhp
- Eric Gunderson, lhp
- Derek Reid, of
- Mike Benjamin, ss
- Ted Wood, of
- Mike Remlinger, lhp
- Royce Clayton, ss
- Salomon Torres, rhp
- Steve Hosey, of
- Derek Reid, of
- Jose Rosselli, lhp
- Kevin McGehee, rhp
- John Patterson, 2b
- Kevin Rogers, lhp
- Rich Huisman, rhp
- Eric Christopherson, c
- Calvin Murray, of
- Kevin Rogers, lhp
- Steve Hosey, of
- Joe Rosselli, lhp
- Salomon Torres, rhp
- Andre Keene, dh
- Chris Gambs, rhp
- D.J. Thielen, 3b
- Bill Vanlandingham, rhp
- Benji Simonton, of
- Salomon Torres, rhp
- J.R. Phillips, 1b
- Steve Soderstrom, rhp
- Chris Singleton, of
- Calvin Murray, of
- Marcus Jensen, c
- Bill Vanlandingham, rhp
- Rikkert Faneyte, of
- Joe Rosselli, lhp
- Lou Pote, rhp
- J.R. Phillips, 1b
- Dante Powell, of
- Steve Soderstrom, rhp
- Joe Rosselli, lhp
- Fausto Macey, rhp
- Andy Taulbee, rhp
- Jay Canizaro, ss
- Marcus Jensen, c
- Keith Williams, of
- Chris Wimmer, 2b
- Shawn Estes, lhp
- Joe Fontenot, rhp
- Jacob Cruz, of
- Jay Canizaro, 2b
- Dante Powell, of
- Steve Soderstrom, rhp
- Rich Aurilia, ss
- Marcus Jensen, c
- Russ Ortiz, rhp
- Jesse Ibarra, 1b
- Joe Fontenot, rhp
- Dante Powell, of
- Mike Caruso, ss
- Mike Villano, rhp
- Russ Ortiz, rhp
- Steve Soderstrom, rhp
- Darin Blood, rhp
- Jacob Cruz, of
- Jason Brester, lhp
- Keith Foulke, rhp
- Jason Grilli, rhp
- Dante Powell, of
- Russ Ortiz, rhp
- Scott Linebrink, rhp
- Jacob Cruz, of
- Wilson Delgado, ss
- Jason Brester, lhp
- Darin Blood, rhp
- Dan McKinley, of
- Damon Minor, 1b
- Jason Grilli, rhp
- Scott Linebrink, rhp
- Tony Torcato, 3b
- Nate Bump, rhp
- Giuseppe Chiaramonte, c
- Joe Nathan, rhp
- Wilson Delgado, ss
- Jeff Urban, lhp
- Armando Rios, of
- Sammy Serrano, c
- Kurt Ainsworth, rhp
- Jake Esteves, rhp
- Tony Torcato, 3b
- Jerome Williams, rhp
- Chris Magruder, of
- Doug Clark, of
- Sean McGowan, 1b
- Jeff Urban, lhp
- Sammy Serrano, c
- Scott Linebrink, rhp
Seattle Mariners
- Darnell Coles, ss
- Ricky Nelson, of
- Matt Young, lhp
- Edwin Nunez, rhp
- Mark Langston, lhp
- Alvin Davis, 1b
- Donell Nixon, 3b
- Al Chambers, of
- Harold Reynolds, 2b
- Phil Bradley, of
- Darnell Coles, 3b
- Ivan Calderon, of
- Danny Tartabull, 2b/ss
- Mark Langston, lhp
- Alvin Davis, 1b
- Bill Wilkinson, lhp
- Edwin Nunez, rhp
- Donell Nixon, 3b
- Mickey Brantley, of
- Phil Bradley, of
- Mickey Brantley, of
- Ivan Calderon, of
- Danny Tartabull, ss
- Bill Wilkinson lhp
- Billy Swift, rhp
- Terry Taylor, rhp
- Edgar Martinez, 3b
- Harold Reynolds, 2b
- Dave Hengel, of
- Donell Nixon, of
- Danny Tartabull, ss/2b
- Mike Campbell, rhp
- Clint Zavaras, rhp
- Bill Wilkinson, lhp
- Mickey Brantley, of
- Dave Hengel, of
- Donell Nixon, of
- Ken Spratke, rhp
- Terry Taylor, rhp
- Mike Wishnevski, of
- Mickey Brantley, of
- Mike Campbell, rhp
- Bill McGuire, c
- Dave Hengel, of
- Bill Wilkinson, lhp
- Terry Taylor, rhp
- Erik Hanson, rhp
- Patrick Lennon, ss
- William Diaz, 3b
- Donell Nixon, of
- Ken Griffey, of
- Mike Campbell, rhp
- Clint Zavaras, rhp
- Erik Hanson, rhp
- Patrick Lennon, 3b
- Edgar Martinez, 3b
- Terry Taylor, rhp
- Omar Vizquel, ss
- Greg Briley, 2b
- Mike Schooler, rhp
- Ken Griffey, of
- Erik Hanson, rhp
- Edgar Martinez, 3b
- Greg Pirkl, c
- Omar Vizquel, ss
- Greg Briley, of
- Clint Zavaras, rhp
- Lee Hancock, lhp
- Jerry Goff, c
- Jim Bowie, of
- Roger Salkeld, rhp
- Tino Martinez, 1b
- Clint Zavaras, rhp
- Mark Merchant, of
- Gene Harris, rhp
- Mike McDonald, 3b
- Kerry Woodson, rhp
- Fred McNair, ss
- Jim Newlin, rhp
- Tim Stargell, 2b
- Roger Salkeld, rhp
- Marc Newfield, of
- Tino Martinez, 1b
- Kerry Woodson, rhp
- Dave Fleming, lhp
- Bret Boone, 2b
- Patrick Lennon, of
- Jim Newlin, rhp
- Anthony Manahan, ss
- Dave Burba, rhp
- Roger Salkeld, rhp
- Marc Newfield, of
- Shawn Estes, lhp
- Mike Hampton, lhp
- Bret Boone, 2b
- Dave Fleming, lhp
- Patrick Lennon, of
- Kerry Woodson, rhp
- Derek Lowe, rhp
- Alex Sutherland, c
- Marc Newfield, of
- Derek Lowe, rhp
- Ron Villone, lhp
- Desi Relaford, ss
- Bret Boone, 2b
- Shawn Estes, lhp
- Mike Hampton, lhp
- Jim Converse, rhp
- Jeff Darwin, rhp
- Tommy Adams, of
- Alex Rodriguez, ss
- Mac Suzuki, rhp
- Marc Newfield, of
- Derek Lowe, rhp
- Arquimedez Pozo, 2b
- Ron Villone, lhp
- Roger Salkeld, rhp
- Tim Davis, lhp
- Desi Relaford, ss
- Shawn Estes, lhp
- Alex Rodriguez, ss
- Marc Newfield, of
- Ron Villone, lhp
- Desi Relaford, ss/2b
- Mac Suzuki, rhp
- Chris Widger, c
- Matt Wagner, rhp
- Bob Wolcott, rhp
- Shawn Estes, lhp
- Greg Pirkl, 1b
- Jose Cruz Jr., of
- Jason Varitek, c
- Desi Relaford, 2b
- Matt Wagner, rhp
- Mac Suzuki, rhp
- Bob Wolcott, rhp
- Chris Widger, c
- Raul Ibanez, 1b/of
- Russ Davis, 3b
- Rafael Carmona, rhp
- Jose Cruz Jr., of
- Ken Cloude, rhp
- Dean Crow, rhp
- Raul Ibanez, of/1b
- Jason Varitek, c
- Greg Wooten, rhp
- Jeff Farnsworth, rhp
- Giomar Guevara, ss/2b
- Mac Suzuki, rhp
- Marcus Sturdivant, of
- Ryan Anderson, lhp
- Gil Meche, rhp
- Shane Monahan, of
- Raul Ibanez, of
- Denny Stark, rhp
- Damaso Marte, lhp
- Jordan Zimmerman, lhp
- Brian Fuentes, lhp
- Greg Wooten rhp
- Carlos Maldonado, c
- Ryan Anderson, lhp
- Freddy Garcia, rhp
- Carlos Guillen, 2b
- Gil Meche, rhp
- Mac Suzuki, rhp
- Joel Pineiro, rhp
- Raul Ibanez, of
- Brian Fuentes, lhp
- Cha Sueng Baek, rhp
- Damaso Marte, lhp
- Ryan Anderson, lhp
- Carlos Guillen, 2b/3b
- Ryan Christanson, c
- Jeff Heaverlo, rhp
- Cha Sueng Baek, rhp
- Antonio Perez, 2b/ss
- Rafael Soriano, rhp
- Chris Snelling, of
- Joel Pineiro, rhp
- Willie Bloomquist, 2b
St. Louis Cardinals
- Jose Gonzalez, ss
- Andy Van Slyke, of
- Terry Clark, p
- Todd Worrell, rhp
- John Adams, p
- Ralph Citarella, rhp
- Terry Pendleton, 2b
- Bob Meacham, ss
- Rafael Santana, ss/2b
- Randy Hunt, c
- Todd Worrell, rhp
- Danny Cox, rhp
- Vince Coleman, of
- John Young, lhp
- Tom Nieto, c
- Jim Lindeman, 3b
- Jose Gonzalez, ss
- Rick Ownbey, rhp
- Ralph Citarella, rhp
- Kevin Hagen rhp
- John Young, lhp
- Mike Dunne, rhp
- Vince Coleman, of
- Todd Worrell, rhp
- Curt Ford, of
- Jim Lindemann, 3b
- Tom Pagnozzi, c
- Jose Gonzalez, ss
- Tom Nieto, c
- Mike Shade, rhp
- Greg Mathews, rhp
- Tom Pagnozzi, c
- Mike Dunne, rhp
- Jim Fregosi Jr., ss/c
- Jim Lindeman, 3b
- Mike Fitzgerald, c
- Joe Magrane, lhp
- Alex Cole, of
- Greg Dunn, rhp
- Joe Boever, rhp
- Joe Magrane, lhp
- Tom Pagnozzi, c
- Jim Lindeman, 3b
- Todd Zeile, c
- Alex Cole, of
- Reed Olmstead, 1b
- Mike Dunne, rhp
- Jeff Oyster, rhp
- Scott Arnold, rhp
- Luis Alicea, 2b
- Cris Carpenter, rhp
- Todd Zeile, c
- Steve Peters, lhp
- Ray Lankford, of
- Luis Alicea, 2b
- Kenny Hill, rhp
- Geronimo Pena, 2b
- Tim Jones, ss
- Alex Cole, of
- Mike Perez, rhp
- Todd Zeile, c
- Cris Carpenter, rhp
- Kenny Hill, rhp
- John Ericks, rhp
- Tim Jones, ss
- Brian Jordan, of
- Ray Lankford, of
- Geronimo Pena, 2b
- Mike Fitzgerald, 1b
- Brad DuVall, rhp
- Todd Zeile, c
- Ray Lankford, of
- Geronimo Pena, 2b
- John Ericks, rhp
- Brian Jordan, of
- Mike Milchin, lhp
- Alex Cole, of
- Rheal Cormier, lhp
- Mark Clark, rhp
- Bernard Gilkey, of
- Ray Lankford, of
- Donovan Osborne, lhp
- Greg Carmona, ss
- John Ericks, rhp
- Mike Milchin, lhp
- Paul Coleman, of
- Bernard Gilkey, of
- Omar Olivares, rhp
- Rheal Cormier, lhp
- Geronimo Pena, 2b
- Donovan Osborne, lhp
- Dmitri Young, 3b
- Allen Watson, lhp
- Brian Jordan, of
- John Ericks, rhp
- Mark Clark, rhp
- Eddie Williams, c
- Mike Milchin, lhp
- Brian Barber, rhp
- Jeremy McGarity, rhp
- Allen Watson, lhp
- Dmitri Young, 3b
- Brian Barber, rhp
- Rene Arocha, rhp
- Aaron Holbert, ss
- Mike Milchin, lhp
- Sean Lowe, rhp
- Basil Shabazz, of
- Steve Dixon, lhp
- Mike Gulan, 3b
- Brian Barber, rhp
- Dmitri Young, 1b
- Terry Bradshaw, of
- Basil Shabazz, of
- John Mabry, of
- Aaron Holbert, ss
- Alan Benes, rhp
- Jay Witasick, rhp
- John Frascatore, rhp
- Clint Davis, rhp
- Alan Benes, rhp
- Brian Barber, rhp
- Bret Wagner, lhp
- Terry Bradshaw, of
- John Mabry, of
- Corey Avrard, rhp
- Allen Battle, of
- Jay Witasick, rhp
- Aaron Holbert, ss
- Dmitri Young, 1b/of
- Alan Benes, rhp
- Matt Morris, rhp
- John Frascatore, rhp
- T.J. Mathews, rhp
- Bret Wagner, lhp
- Mike Busby, rhp
- Mike Gulan, 3b
- Eli Marrero, c
- Kris Detmers, lhp
- Brian Barber, rhp
- Dmitri Young, 1b
- Matt Morris, rhp
- Eli Marrero, c
- Braden Looper, rhp
- Manuel Aybar, rhp
- Brent Butler, ss
- Eric Ludwick, rhp
- Jason Woolf, ss
- Blake Stein, rhp
- Luis Ordaz, ss
- Rick Ankiel, lhp
- Braden Looper, rhp
- Eli Marrero, c
- Brent Butler, ss
- Adam Kennedy, ss
- Luis Ordaz, ss
- Placido Polanco, 2b
- Clif Politte, rhp
- Scarborough Green, of
- Curtis King, rhp
- J.D. Drew, of
- Rick Ankiel, lhp
- Brent Butler, ss
- Chad Hutchinson, rhp
- Adam Kennedy, ss/2b
- Luis Saturria, of
- Jason Woolf, ss
- Jose Jimenez, rhp
- Chris Haas, 3b
- Matt DeWitt, rhp
- Rick Ankiel, lhp
- Chad Hutchinson, rhp
- Adam Kennedy, 2b
- Ben Johnson, of
- Nick Stocks, rhp
- Jack Wilson, ss
- Luis Saturria, of
- Luther Hackman, rhp
- Chance Caple, rhp
- Chris Haas, 3b
Tampa Bay Rays
- Matt White, rhp
- Rolando Arrojo, rhp
- Bobby Seay, lhp
- Jared Sandberg, 3b
- Jason Standridge, rhp
- Jason Johnson, rhp
- Alex Sanchez, of
- Marquis Roberts, lhp
- Kenny Kelly, of
- Doug Johnson, 3b
- Matt White, rhp
- Ramon Soler, ss
- Alex Sanchez, of
- Kenny Kelly, of
- Bobby Seay, lhp
- Ryan Rupe, rhp
- Jared Sandberg, 3b
- Paul Hoover, c
- Humberto Cota, c
- Travis Harper, rhp
- Josh Hamilton, of
- Jason Standridge, rhp
- Aubrey Huff, 3b
- Carl Crawford, of
- Matt White, rhp
- Dan Wheeler, rhp
- Ramon Soler, ss
- Jared Sandbeg, 3b
- Steve Cox, 1b
- Kenny Kelly, of
Texas Rangers
- Pete O’Brien, 1b/of
- Mike Mason, lhp
- Bobby Johnson, c
- Tommy Dunbar, of
- Allen Lachowicz, rhp
- Steve Buechele, 2b
- Mike Rubel, 1b
- Tom Henke, rhp
- Curtis Wilkerson, ss
- Dwayne Henry, rhp
- Jeff Kunkel, ss
- Al Lachowicz, rhp
- Jose Guzman, rhp
- Curtis Wilkerson, ss
- Javier Ortiz, of
- Mike Rubel, 1b
- Tom Henke, rhp
- Otto Gonzalez, c
- Dwayne Henry, rhp
- Randy Asadoor, 3b
- Oddibe McDowell, of
- Jose Guzman, rhp
- Javier Ortiz, of
- Bob Sebra, rhp
- Ruben Sierra, of
- Kevin Bootay, of
- Jimmy Meadows, rhp
- Dwayne Henry, rhp
- Scott Anderson, rhp
- Dave Darretta, ss
- Bobby Witt, rhp
- Ruben Sierra, of
- Jose Guzman, rhp
- Pete Incaviglia, of
- Edwin Correa, rhp
- Jose Mota, 2b
- Mitch Williams, lhp
- Jerry Browne, 2b
- Dwayne Henry, rhp
- Jim Vlcek, rhp and Steve Wilson, lhp (tie)
- Kevin Brown, rhp
- Sammy Sosa, of
- Jerry Browne, 2b
- Wilson Alvarez, lhp
- Chad Kreuter, c
- Juan Gonzalez, of
- Mike Loynd, rhp
- Bobby Brower, of
- Scott Anderson, rhp
- Mike Stanley, c
- Juan Gonzalez, of
- Sammy Sosa, of
- Brian Bohanon, lhp
- Kevin Brown, rhp
- Bill Haselman, c
- Dean Palmer, 3b
- Tony Scruggs, of
- Scott Coolbaugh, 3b
- Chad Kreuter, c
- Kevin Belcher, of
- Kevin Brown, rhp
- Sammy Sosa, Of
- Juan Gonzalez, of
- Darren Oliver, lhp
- Monty Fariss, ss
- Tim Morrow, of
- Dean Palmer, 3b
- Robb Nen, rhp
- Rob Maurer, 1b
- Scott Coolbaugh, 3b
- Juan Gonzalez, of
- Robb Nen, rhp
- Donald Harris, of
- Dean Palmer, 3b
- Brian Bohanon, lhp
- Kevin Belcher, of
- Dan Peltier, of
- Scott Coolbaugh, 3b
- Monty Fariss, ss
- Eric McCray, lhp
- Ivan Rodriguez, c
- Robb Nen, rhp
- Dean Palmer, 3b
- Dan Peltier, of
- Dan Smith, lhp
- Eric McCray, lhp
- Donald Harris, of
- Monty Fariss, ss
- Rob Maurer, 1b
- Brian Romero, lhp
- Kurt Miller, rhp
- Benji Gil, ss
- Terrell Lowery, of
- Rob Maurer, 1b
- Hector Fajardo, rhp
- Donald Harris, of
- Cris Colon, ss
- Dan Smith, lhp
- Bobby Reed, rhp
- Jose Oliva, 3b
- Benji Gil, ss
- Kurt Miller, rhp
- Dan Smith, lhp
- Scott Eyre, lhp
- Terry Burrows, lhp
- Rick Helling, rhp
- Ritchie Moody, lhp
- David Hulse, of
- Matt Whiteside, rhp
- Desi Wilson, 1b
- Benji Gil, ss
- Rick Helling, rhp
- Ritchie Moody, lhp
- Terrell Lowery, of
- Darren Oliver, lhp
- Julio Santana, rhp
- Mike Bell, 3b
- Guillermo Mercedes, ss
- Kerry Lacy, rhp
- Rich Aurilia, ss
- Julio Santana, rhp
- Benji Gil, ss
- Terrell Lowery, of
- Edwin Diaz, 2b
- Mike Bell, 3b
- Andrew Vessel, of
- Kevin Brown, c
- Jim Brower, rhp
- Jerry Martin, rhp
- Ritchie Moody, lhp
- Andrew Vessel, of
- Julio Santana, rhp
- Kevin Brown, c
- Edwin Diaz, 2b
- Jonathan Johnson, rhp
- Fernando Tatis, 3b
- Ryan Dempster, rhp
- Mike Bell, 3b
- Shawn Gallagher, 1b
- Mark Little, of
- Dan Kolb, rhp
- Fernando Tatis, 3b
- Jonathan Johnson, rhp
- Edwin Diaz, 2b
- Ruben Mateo, of
- Danny Patterson, rhp
- George Carrion, rhp
- Kevin Brown, c
- Mike Bell, 3b
- Corey Lee, lhp
- Ruben Mateo, of
- Cesar King, c
- Corey Lee, lhp
- Matt Perisho, lhp
- Brandon Knight, rhp
- Joaquin Benoit, rhp
- Dan Kolb, rhp
- Ryan Glynn, rhp
- Sam Marsonek, rhp
- Warren Morris, 2b
- Ruben Mateo, of
- Kelly Dransfeldt, ss
- Ryan Glynn, rhp
- Carlos Pena, 1b
- Jason Romano, 2b
- Corey Lee, lhp
- Shawn Gallagher, 1b
- Cesar King, c
- Mike Zywica, of
- Jeff Zimmerman, rhp
- Ruben Mateo, of
- Francisco Cordero, rhp
- Jason Romano, 2b
- Mike Lamb, 3b
- Jason Grabowski, 3b
- Colby Lewis, rhp
- Carlos Pena, 1b
- Doug Davis, lhp
- Jovanny Cedeno, rhp
- David Elder, rhp
Toronto Blue Jays
- Tony Fernandez, ss
- John Cerutti, lhp
- Augie Schmidt, ss
- Jeff Reynolds, 3b
- Fred McGriff, 1b
- Stan Clarke, lhp
- Bill Pinkham, c
- Ron Shepherd, of
- Matt Williams, rhp
- Geno Petralli, c
- Tony Fernandez, ss
- Fred McGriff, 1b
- Alexis Infante, ss
- Matt Williams, rhp
- Stan Clarke, lhp
- Augie Schmidt, ss
- Jimmy Key, lhp
- Dave Shipanoff, rhp
- Otis Green, of
- Matt Stark, c
- Fred McGriff, 1b
- Matt Williams, rhp
- Santiago Garcia, ss
- Kelly Gruber, 3b
- Mike Sharperson, 2b
- Glenallen Hill, of
- Alexis Infante, ss
- Jack McKnight, rhp
- David Wells, lhp
- Kevin Sliwinski, 1b
- Sil Campusano, of
- Santiago Garcia, 2b
- Steve Davis, lhp
- Kelly Gruber, 3b
- Mike Sharperson, 2b
- Otis Green, of
- Fred McGriff, 1b
- Glenallen Hill, of
- Norm Tonucci, 3b
- Matt Stark, c
- Sil Campusano, of
- Todd Stottlemyre, rhp
- Santiago Garcia, 2b
- Matt Stark, c
- Jeff Musselman, lhp
- Rob Ducey, of
- Glenallen Hill, of
- Nelson Liriano, 2b
- Mike Sharperson, 2b
- Earl Sanders, rhp
- Sil Campusano, of
- Junior Felix, of
- David Wells, lhp
- Frank Cabrera, c
- Alex Sanchez, rhp
- Todd Stottlemyre , rhp
- Steve Cummings, rhp
- Kevin Batiste, of
- Greg Myers, c
- Mark Whiten, of
- Derek Bell, of
- Alex Sanchez, rhp
- Junior Felix, of
- Luis Sojo, ss
- Mark Whiten, of
- Dennis Jones, lhp
- Steve Cummings, rhp
- Jimmy Rogers, rhp
- Francisco Cabrera, c
- Denis Boucher, lhp
- John Olerud, 1b
- Derek Bell, of
- Ed Zosky, ss
- Glenallen Hill, of
- Alex Sanchez, rhp
- Nate Cromwell, lhp
- Ed Sprague, 3b
- Greg O’Halloran, c
- Randy Knorr, c
- Luis Sojo, ss
- Mark Whiten, of
- Eddie Zosky, ss
- Steve Karsay, rhp
- Mike Timlin, rhp
- Ed Sprague, c
- Carlos Delgado, c
- Marcus Moore, rhp
- William Suero, 2b
- Denis Boucher, lhp
- Pat Hentgen rhp
- Derek Bell, of
- Alex Gonzalez, ss
- Nigel Wilson, of
- Howard Battle, 3b
- Carlos Delgado, c
- Eddie Zosky, ss
- Pat Hentgen, rhp
- Steve Karsay, rhp
- Rick Trlicek, rhp
- Felipe Crespo, 2b
- Carlos Delgado, c
- Alex Gonzalez, ss
- Shawn Green, of
- Steve Karsay, rhp
- Jose Pett, rhp
- Howard Battle, 3b
- Paul Spoljaric, lhp
- Aaron Small, rhp
- Brent Bowers, of
- Rob Butler, of
- Alex Gonzalez, ss
- Carlos Delgado, c
- Jose Silva, rhp
- Shawn Green, of
- D.J. Boston, 1b
- Paul Spoljaric, lhp
- Angel Martinez, c
- Adam Meinershagen, rhp
- Shannon Stewart, of
- Lee Daniels, rhp
- Shawn Green, of
- Alex Gonzalez, ss
- Jose Silva, rhp
- Shannon Stewart, of
- Chris Carpenter, rhp
- Jose Pett, rhp
- Angel Martinez, c
- Edwin Hurtado, rhp
- Chris Stynes, 2b
- Tom Evans, 3b
- Shannon Stewart, of
- Marty Janzen, rhp
- Chris Carpenter, rhp
- Jose Pett, rhp
- Jose Silva, rhp
- Roy Halladay, rhp
- Ryan Jones, 1b
- Tom Evans, 3b
- Felipe Crespo, 2b/3b
- Kevin Witt, ss
- Roy Halladay, rhp
- Shannon Stewart, of
- Chris Carpenter, rhp
- Kelvim Escobar, rhp
- Ryan Jones, 1b
- Billy Koch, rhp
- Kevin Witt, 3b
- Anthony Sanders, of
- Joe Young, rhp
- Tom Evans, 3b
- Roy Halladay, rhp
- Vernon Wells, of
- Kevin Witt, 1b
- Tom Evans, 3b
- Anthony Sanders, of
- Andy Thompson, 3b
- Bill Koch, rhp
- Brent Abernathy, 2b
- Gary Glover, rhp
- Joe Lawrence, ss
- Roy Halladay, rhp
- Billy Koch, rhp
- Felipe Lopez, ss
- Kevin Witt, 1b
- Vernon Wells, of
- Clayton Andrews, lhp
- Tom Davey, rhp
- Joe Lawrence, ss
- Peter Tucci, of
- Tom Evans, 3b
- Vernon Wells, of
- Felipe Lopez, ss
- Cesar Izturis, ss/2b
- Michael Young, 2b/ss
- Josh Phelps, c
- Gary Glover, rhp
- Brent Abernathy, 2b
- Andy Thompson, of
- Kevin Witt, 1b/of
- John Sneed, rhp
Montreal Expos/Washington Nationals
- Roy Johnson, of
- Mike Fuentes, of
- Greg Bargar, rhp
- Al Newman, 2b
- Angel Salazar, ss
- Mike Stenhouse, of
- Joe Hesketh, lhp
- Nelson Santovenia, c
- Dick Grapenthin, rhp
- John Damon, 2b
- Angel Salazar, ss
- Mike Fuentes, of
- Joe Hesketh, lhp
- Roy Johnson, of
- John Dopson, rhp
- Armando Moreno, rhp
- Rich Stoll, rhp
- Rene Gonzales, ss
- Greg Barfar, rhp
- Mike Steinhouse, 1b/of
- Joe Hesketh, lhp
- Andres Galarraga, 1b
- Bob Caffrey, c
- Bill Moore, of
- Rich Stoll, rhp
- Randy St. Claire, rhp
- Rene Gonzales, ss
- John Dopson, rhp
- Tim Barrett, rhp
- Mike Fuentes, of
- Floyd Youmans, rhp
- Andres Galarraga, 1b
- John Dopson, rhp
- Bill Moore, of
- Luis Rivera, ss
- Tim Barrett, rhp
- Rich Stoll, rhp
- Brian Holman, rhp
- Bill Cutshall, rhp
- Mike Hocutt, 1b
- Sergio Valdez, rhp
- Jeff Parrett, rhp
- Randy Johnson, lhp
- Alonzo Powell, of
- Luis Rivera, ss
- Bill Moore, of
- Kevin Dean, of
- Brian Holman, rhp
- Larry Walker, of
- Bob Sudo, rhp
- Randy Johnson, lhp
- Delino DeShields, ss
- Hector Rivera, rhp
- Yorkis Perez, lhp
- Larry Walker, of
- Kevin Dean, of
- Alonzo Powell, of
- Brian Holman, rhp
- Sergio Valdez, rhp
- James Faulk, of
- Delino DeShields, ss
- Randy Johnson, lhp
- Marquis Grisson, of
- Wilfredo Cordero, ss
- Reid Cornelius, rhp
- Gene Harris, rhp
- Tyrone Kingwood, of
- Dave Wainhouse, rhp
- Mike Blowers, 3b
- Danilo Leon, rhp
- Delino DeShields, 2b
- Marquis Grissom, of
- Larry Walker, of
- Howard Farmer, rhp
- Mark Gardner, rhp
- Mel Rojas, rhp
- Wilfredo Cordero, ss
- Mario Brito, rhp
- Hector Rivera, rhp
- Gregg Colbrunn, c
- Wilfredo Cordero, ss
- Reid Cornelius, rhp
- Rondell White, of
- Willie Greene, 3b
- Brian Barnes, lhp
- Greg Colbrunn, c
- Stan Spencer, rhp
- Chris Haney, lhp
- Shane Andrews, 3b
- Hector Rivera, rhp
- Wilfredo Cordero, ss
- Rondell White, of
- Cliff Floyd, 1b
- Tavo Alvarez, rhp
- Jon Hurst, rhp
- Ugueth Urbina, rhp
- Reid Cornelius, rhp
- Glenn Murray, of
- Gabe White, lhp
- Chris Martin, ss
- Cliff Floyd, of
- Wil Cordero, ss
- Tavo Alvarez, rhp
- Rondell White, of
- Tim Laker, c
- Gabe White, lhp
- B.J. Wallace, lhp
- Mike Lansing, ss
- Joey Eischen, lhp
- Joe Vidro, 2b
- Cliff Floyd, 1b
- Rondell White, of
- Joey Eischen, lhp
- Brad Fullmer, 3b
- Rod Henderson, rhp
- Gabe White, rhp
- B.J. Wallace, lhp
- Ugueth Urbina, rhp
- Jose Paniagua, rhp
- Chris Schwab, of
- Ugueth Urbina, rhp
- Hiram Bocachica, ss
- Everett Stull, rhp
- Brad Fullmer, 3b
- Vladimir Guerrero, of
- Shane Andrews, 3b
- Rod Henderson, rhp
- Carlos Perez, lhp
- Mark Grudzielanek, ss
- Scott Gentile, rhp
- Vladimir Guerrero, of
- Ugueth Urbina, rhp
- Hiram Bocachica, ss
- Brad Fullmer, 3b/1b
- Everett Stull, rhp
- Yamil Benitez, of
- Jose Paniagua, rhp
- Neil Weber, lhp
- Michael Barrett, c/3b
- Jason Baker, rhp
- Vladimir Guerrero, of
- Hiram Bocachica, ss
- Brad Fullmer, 1b/of
- Michael Barrett, c
- Jason Barker, rhp
- Javier Vazquez, rhp
- Milton Bradley, of
- Neil Weber, lhp
- Mike Thurman, rhp
- Everett Stull, rhp
- Brad Fullmer, 1b
- Carl Pavano, rhp
- Javier Vazquez, rhp
- Orlando Cabrera, ss/2b
- Jake Westbrook, rhp
- Hiram Bocachica, ss/2b
- Michael Barrett, c
- Mike Thurman, rhp
- Donnie Bridges, rhp
- Milton Bradley, of
- Michael Barrett, 3b/c
- Peter Bergeron, of
- Ted Lilly, lhp
- Guillermo Mota, rhp
- Tony Armas, rhp
- Milton Bradley, of
- Fernadno Seguignol, of/1b
- Jake Westbrook, rhp
- Bob Henley, c
- Brad Wilkerson, of
- Tony Armas, rhp
- Milton Bradley, of
- Peter Bergeron, of
- Jake Westbrook, rhp
- T.J. Tucker, rhp
- Ted Lilly, lhp
- Brian Schneider, c
- Brad Wilkerson, of
- Brandon Phillips, ss
- Josh Girdley, lhp
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