Hot Sheet Chat (8/29/23)


Image credit: Tai Peete (Photo by Steph Chambers/Getty Images)

Geoff Pontes hosted a chat at 1 p.m. ET to discuss this week’s Hot Sheet. You can read the transcript below.

What’s going on with Jarlin Susana? Is there some reason for optimism still or is the control just too far gone?

Still reason for optimism as he’s so young, but there was always a great deal of relief risk.

How are the cubs going to feed Canario, PCA Caissie Suski and if they resign belli

I think it’s great problem to have and perhaps allows them to move a player or two for pitching. They should resign Bellinger, he looks like he’s fully healthy and back to his old self.

Matt Shaw has been on fire since his professional debut, is this a surprise? Do the cubs have the potential for a very good bat on their hands?

I wouldn’t say it’s a surprise as Shaw was one of the top college bats in the class and was the MVP of the Cape Cod League last summer. He has the ability to be a star for sure. There’s real feel to hit, power, speed and twitch. He get overly aggressive at times but he balances aggression and approach well.

Kyle Teel has started off his professional career with a bang. How good Does BA think he will be and will he move quickly even though he is a C? thanks,

AN above-average regular with contact, approach and power. More athleticism than is typical of a catcher. Teel likely starts the 2024 season with Double-A Portland and then how fast he moves will really depend on how much he hits. If he really sets the world on fire over the opening month or too, he’s likely in Triple-A by June and could see some time in Boston late next year. More than likely we’re looking 2025 debut.

Colt Emerson is having a great start. what are your thoughts on his potential to be a stud in the bigs?

The reports early have been great and the numbers speak for themselves. He can really hit and that’s been the consistent feedback, good contact, power and approach. Where he ends up defensively is the bigger question.

I’m starting to really like Graham Pauley. everything looks good but the low walk rate. any thoughts on his potential?

It’s a plate skills driven profile, but his bat-to-ball so far based on contact rates is plus with above-average approach and fringe-average power. He’s limited somewhat defensively but the hit tool is 55/60 with enough power to shoot the gaps and sneak a few out. He’s bot a star but good scouting by the Padres. Probably more of role player than an everyday regular.

What is the likelihood Victor Scott gets to play in St. Louis in 2024? And thanks for doing these chats!

I’d say it’s more likely than not he does, I can’t say for certain it’s any sort of starting role for 50 or more games, but knowing their depth unless they sign someone he provides a pretty high floor as a fill-in or more.

Do you see Horwitz playing mostly 1B, DH, or LF in the majors (and is he a platoon bat)? Is Alan Roden (AA) a similar-calibre hitter to Schneider and Horwitz?

Hey Geoff! Yes, I think there are some similarities between the three, though Roden had more realized prospect pedigree and is not a tweener defensively like the other two. Horwitz is a 1B for me, it’s just a matter of hitting for more power, even a slight improvement there puts him into second division regular territory, maybe more.

Chances Thomas Saggese takes over 2nd base next year in St. Louis? He looks like he could be an under the radar star and they need new blood on the MLB roster.

I’d be surprised there seems like a lot of mouths to feed in that infield but you never know. I’m a little more skeptical of Saggese. He lacks high end EVs, contact and approach. Great swing and he takes good angles to the ball but I’m not sure he’s much better than the options they have if at all.

Is the reason Hunter Goodman is not seen as a future star is totally defense related? Or are there holes in his swing that will be exploited by better pitching?

Defense doesn’t help it’s a real question as to whether or not he has a position in the field. The power is easy double-plus and he’s made approach improvements this season. There are definitely holes in the swing. Fastballs in the upper-quadrants and slider down and away really give him fits.

Recently, in chat, someone mentioned they preferred Pereira over Jasson. Is that still the case given Jasson’s hot finish to the season?

That would depend on the writer I guess. Haha. I prefer Jasson myself but only slightly. They are similar profiles so you will talk to a lot of scouts that prefer one or the other, there’s no consensus.

Hey Geoff! I’ve had a very on n off interest in Wenceel Perez. You think there’s any hope of an every day guy emerging there?

I don’t know about everyday guy but he could be a utility, rotation, platoon type player. The Tigers really should give some of these guys some run late in the season to see what they have. There’s no denying the bat to ball ability and blossoming impact with Wenceel.

Is there any information on Alan Roden’s exit velocities? He’s up to a .500 SLG% at Double-A and his Plate Skills have been excellent all year.

He has elite plate skills and he’s an above-average defender in a corner outfield spot. He’s really not that different from Nolan Schanuel even from a swing and setup perspective. That said, like Schanuel his EVs are pretty below-average. I think it’s a nice hit tool driven corner outfield profile that can unlock some more power in the next 4-5 years.

Why type of offensive ceiling do you see for Tai Peete and what position does he likely end up at?

I think he can be an exciting power hitter that could handle third base or right field. He’s likely to slow down run wise as he ages.

What are your thoughts on Sebastian Wallcott?

I think he’s one of most talented players in the ACL this summer, tons of power, explosiveness and upside. There are some gnarly swing and miss concerns, but he’s young and is likely to clean that up to a degree. There’s certainly some risk.

Hi Geoff. Curtis Mead back in minors – long term everyday regular at third base for Tampa? How do you see his development schedule and usage by the Rays?

I really don’t know where he plays everyday. Maybe it’s third but there’s more improvement needed. I wouldn’t be shocked if he ends up at 1B/DH and the Rays can use him everyday that way. This year I think was so disjointed you can give him a mulligan, he dealt with a wrist injury which will sap power.

Is Drew Thorpe a top prospect yet? Where does he rank and why?

I think so and he’s maybe the next addition to the Top 100. Great command of his pitch mix, it’s not crazy stuff but he has command of everything. Low-90s fastball with hop, a plus changeup that misses bats and a mid-80s slider give him three legit pitches.

Doesn’t seem like there has been a Jackson Holliday sighting on the Hot Sheet in a while, anything to report? First full season fatigue setting in?

Yeah maybe not the loudest weeks this month but he’s hitting .304/.411/.494 in August as a 19 year old in Double-A. So the production is still there.

Is Wilyer Abreu a future MLB regular?

Probably not more of a role player or platoon guy, it’s not impossible he develops into one.

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